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Old 12-28-19, 09:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec-2019
Posts: 4
Smile New Python questions

I recently (5 days ago) got a juvenile ball python, and had some questions that i hope someone can provide me some input on.
First, in regard to habitat: I've read lots of posts and care sheets, and tried to follow them. Currently I have 20 gallon tank, with warm side that has basking spot/hiding area and cool side that has water bowl and another hiding area (with decor and things to climb on throughout the tank. My question was in regard to temperatures: currently basking spot gets up to 98 (I have small 25w day-lamp that provides light and heat and a heating pad underneath) and cool side stays around 76. Are those temperatures OK, or am I pushing them to extremes? Also, currently I have him in 20 gallon tank, but only because I've heard many people suggest it as an ultimate size for juveniles. Many boards advised against putting juveniles into 40 gallon tanks since too much space can be stressful, and putting too many things in it to compensate for it would make the whole set-up feel cluttered. So am I good with the 20 gallon for now? And lastly about habitat: I followed care-sheet instructions, and placed heating pad under the warm side. But I noticed that my cool side is at 76 or so, and since many people warn against letting cool temperatures drop below 75, should I add another heating pad for the cool side?
Second, in regard to behavior. I know that new pythons need some time to acclimate to their new environment, but over the last 5 days I noticed that mine tends to always stay in his cool-side hiding spot. I think he does come out at night for a little bit (I can see track marks where he was moving), but is it normal? I thought that pythons need heat on regular basis, and wasnt sure if 5 days in cool area can be harmful?
Lastly, in regard to handling: I understand that new pythons will need some time to get used to the environment and to being handled, but what are your thoughts on the frequency of handling as well as best approach to it. I tried to handle him yesterday, and he would allow me to gently pet his side (obviously, I would never touch his head area), but at any attempt to pick him up he would coil-up and get ready to strike, which I understood as a sign of stress and left him alone. So any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
Once again, thank you so much in advance for all your help and advise: I want to make sure I do everything right, so if you see something that I should (or shouldn't be doing), please, by all means tell me. I promise I won't get offended, so if you see me do anything stupid dont hesitate to tell me that: it will only help!

Thank you!
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Old 12-29-19, 09:26 AM   #2
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Re: New Python questions

Originally Posted by MrBean7 View Post
I recently (5 days ago) got a juvenile ball python, and had some questions that i hope someone can provide me some input on.
First, in regard to habitat: I've read lots of posts and care sheets, and tried to follow them. Currently I have 20 gallon tank, with warm side that has basking spot/hiding area and cool side that has water bowl and another hiding area (with decor and things to climb on throughout the tank. My question was in regard to temperatures: currently basking spot gets up to 98 (I have small 25w day-lamp that provides light and heat and a heating pad underneath) and cool side stays around 76. Are those temperatures OK, or am I pushing them to extremes? Also, currently I have him in 20 gallon tank, but only because I've heard many people suggest it as an ultimate size for juveniles. Many boards advised against putting juveniles into 40 gallon tanks since too much space can be stressful, and putting too many things in it to compensate for it would make the whole set-up feel cluttered. So am I good with the 20 gallon for now? And lastly about habitat: I followed care-sheet instructions, and placed heating pad under the warm side. But I noticed that my cool side is at 76 or so, and since many people warn against letting cool temperatures drop below 75, should I add another heating pad for the cool side?
Second, in regard to behavior. I know that new pythons need some time to acclimate to their new environment, but over the last 5 days I noticed that mine tends to always stay in his cool-side hiding spot. I think he does come out at night for a little bit (I can see track marks where he was moving), but is it normal? I thought that pythons need heat on regular basis, and wasnt sure if 5 days in cool area can be harmful?
Lastly, in regard to handling: I understand that new pythons will need some time to get used to the environment and to being handled, but what are your thoughts on the frequency of handling as well as best approach to it. I tried to handle him yesterday, and he would allow me to gently pet his side (obviously, I would never touch his head area), but at any attempt to pick him up he would coil-up and get ready to strike, which I understood as a sign of stress and left him alone. So any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
Once again, thank you so much in advance for all your help and advise: I want to make sure I do everything right, so if you see something that I should (or shouldn't be doing), please, by all means tell me. I promise I won't get offended, so if you see me do anything stupid dont hesitate to tell me that: it will only help!

Thank you!
First of all well done on your research. I think you've got a solid grasp of what to be doing. Further, you've come looking for answers to help you discern some of your research from experienced keepers. Not a lot of people do that.

So I'll do my best here, before I get to too many answers I have some follow up questions.

How are you measuring your temperatures? This will tell me if your temps are too low or too high. I'm only concerned about your cool side temps. Your hot temps are fine.

20 gallon is totally fine for a juvie. Not an issue. A large enclosure full of stuff is only "cluttered" to us as a keeper. The snake looks at everything as something to climb/hide/go around. They do not "feel cluttered". With that said, the 20 is totally fine for the next year or so, maybe a little longer so do not feel pressured that you need to upgrade. Get the snake eating and acclimated to you well before considering this anyway.

Snakes know their own body needs better than we do. If the snake is on the cool side then it's fine. It won't kill itself that way. More likely is the snake is feeling more secure in the cool side hide than any others you have. I recommend duplicating the same style hides if possible as well as make sure they are all super snug. Snakes like tight spaces to hide in, it helps them feel secure/protected. They have a lot of body and only one head to defend it all with.

For handling, if the snake was letting you pet it's side and didn't strike at you, then you could pick it up and it probably still won't. It was likely coiling up because it was afraid you were going to eat it or trying to just hide from you.
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Old 12-30-19, 02:28 PM   #3
Join Date: Dec-2017
Posts: 911
Re: New Python questions

Welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of snake keeping!

First, that hot side temp needs to come way down. 98 is at least 8 degrees too high. With my BPs I keep my hot spot at 88 and never above 90.

75 is the absolute low as well. I shoot for about 78-80 on the cool side.

Your guy is likely staying on the cool side because temps are way too high on the warm side.

MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION: Are your heat sources regulated by thermostats????

Now on to the other questions....

Yes, a 20 gallon is a good starter size tank. I've switched primarily to PVC enclosures but still have a few glass and I keep a 20 gallon on hand for a quarantine enclosure.

And as mentioned before, he's not using the hot hide because it's way too hot. Yes, they need heat, but they will typically only use the hot hide to digest. All of my snakes spend the majority of their time on their cool sides.

Lastly, handling. I strongly advise no handling at all until the snake has eaten 3 consecutive meals without refusal. Getting juveniles eating reliably is far more important than handling. You'll have 25+ years to handle your pet. But right now husbandry and eating should be your focus.
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