Re: Corn Snake's Minor Meltdown
There are a lot of reasons why the snake may have bolted.
There could have been a scent on the sheet that triggered a flight response.
You usually handle the snake after he's been hanging out on the cool side of the enclosure but on that day he had just finished basking and was full of energy. (i.e. bolting would be his typical response, he's just been docile because he's cold/lethargic)
A subtle (to you) movement caught his eye that just screamed, "death from above!" in his mind.
Etc, etc.
Corn snakes are generally fairly active snakes. Mine rarely stay still when I handle them, though bolting generally requires special stimulus.
I would generally recommend keeping the dog out of the same room as the snake. Dogs are gentle, always ignore the snake, are best friends with the snake, etc, until one day your dog acts like a dog and kills the snake (accidentally or intentionally).