Re: Hog Island Boa: Stuck Shed, Nose Rub, Or Something else?
yes looks like nose rub to me. just keep an eye on it in case it gets infected ,then treat accordingly, its just like a blister, sometimes it can scar on severe cases but most of the time sheds out after a couple of times. but should hopefully stop this when you get a bigger viv/tub
0.1 Common het Kahl BCI,,0.1 red pastel hypo het albino bci,0.1 kahl sunglow bci, 1.1 boa longicauda het "Zero",1.0 motley het kahl bci,0.1hypo img,1.0 hypo harlequin het vpi t+, 1.2 hypo 100%het albino and 100% het berry blood, 1.0 guyana bcc,1.0 hypo jungle het blood&het albino,1.0 albino motley0.1 sunglow motley,1.1 mandarinbelly leopard