Hello my name is Ingrid and I just made an account here so let me give an introduction, I am 17 and have been keeping animals (especially reptiles) my whole life. As I am about to go off to college my collection has been downsized and now I have my snakes, cats and 4 pet rats, although I have experience with the following species: leopard geckos, crested geckos, tokay geckos, nile monitors, savannah monitors, bearded dragon, northern water snake, ball pythons, chickens, ducks, horses, dogs, hermit crabs, many species of fish, tarantulas, millipedes, and misc toads & frogs. Right now I am finishing my last year of highschool and preparing to pursue education and a career in animal behavior and herpetology. Anyway, here are my snakes
Indi is an 18 month old female Columbian BCI. Her morph is Hypo het anery (type 1). She is about 4.5 feet and 1400 grams.
Piper is another female Columbian BCI, she is an albino (not sure which strain). She is 40” long and 800 grams.
Attila is my male Columbian BCI, normal/wild morph, unknown hets. He is about 27” long and 200 grams.
Ibo is my female Selayar dwarf reticulated python. She is 36” and 280 grams.