Aurora laid two eggs last night. Chris has them set up in a makeshift incubator until we can get them in the hovabator. We have to make a decision. THe original plan was to transport the eggs to my house (75 minute drive) but Chris thinks we should just bring the Hova to his house.
Transport Eggs:
Pros: I get to see them hatch, I will probably be more diligent about maintaining proper temps and humidity, I have more room to set up the hatchlings.
Cons: Riskiness of transporting eggs. (Anyone have any suggestions about the best way to do it?)
Transporting Hova:
Pros: Don't have to disturb eggs. Future clutches can go straight to the Hovabator.
Cons: I don't get to see them hatch

. Not sure how well chris will do with the humidity/temp thing, and then he has to deal with the hatchlings.
What should we do? I really want the eggs at my house if there is a safe way to transport them. Please help.