Originally Posted by Macropodus
Googled gerboa, came up jerboa, and not a lot on them. They look strange, all ears & legs. Don't seem to be domesticated.
Thanks for the historical note re CB in 80s. I stand corrected, "It's only been for <40 years now that we have subjected Ball Pythons (the CBB, specifically those outside the African continent) to a foreign prey item."
I'd wager that at least part of the problem with acclimation had to do with the offering of common rats instead of ASFs. Even today WC aren't keen on it.
Yeah I thought I might have messed up the spelling. Meh. Thanks for the correction.
From what I understand the animals eat just fine and grow/shed/act normal. For whatever reason wild caughts would just take a few years to want to breed in a captive environment. It could be the prey item so you might be on to something.
What I do know is this was happening even 10 years ago when wild caught adult females were still being bought up like crazy. It was just easier to find baby females and raise them up because it took about the same time to get them ready to breed.
Lastly, I know Roy Stockwell was one of the first to captive breed them. He made a homemade rain chamber, it was rather large, to simulate the wet season they go through in Africa. No body really cared to get them to breed any way in captivity originally because they were so cheap to import and were rather drab looking.