Indian River Reptile Zoo......
What a spectacular place!! I've never seen such a variety of reptiles.....lots and lots of hots....West African Gaboon Viper, Bush Master, Rhinoceros Viper (awesome looking!), Egyptian Cobra(it was hooding at me!), E. & W. Massasauga, Diamondback, Pope's Viper, Sidewinder, Copperhead,Puff Adder.....and then the constrictors......Columbian Boa, Hog Isl. Boa, Dumeril, Rainbow, Borneo Short-tail, Emerald Tree.....and they had a Trans-pecos ratsnake...I love those.....and turtles and lizzards.....I also saw Carpets hatching!.....and an alligator and a saltwater about excitment!!wooooohooooo!