It's really really normal for most lizards not to eat around a potential predator, it's when they are at their most distracted and vulnerable.
I'm not that familiar with plated lizards so here's just a few general tips on how not to appear like a predator.
Don't stare! Predators watch animals constantly waiting for their moment, so if you are often seen watching the lizard you are freaking her out. It's so hard to resist just watching your beloved herps but it's one of the best things you can do for them until they adjust to your presence. Watch her from the corner of your eye or through lowered lids, frequently turning away your head entirely.
Never approach from above. That's how most lizards get eaten. Even when a snake is the predator they often rise up in a strike position. Try approaching slowly with your hand at or near ground level.
Let your hand rest in the enclosure from time to time, going nowhere near the lizard, just out in plain sight so that your platie will get used to your presence. Don't move it around, don't put it behind cage furniture where it looks like an ambush waiting to happen, and don't watch your platie while you are doing this! Just sit and read a book or watch tv or something with your hand resting in there.
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