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Old 03-24-16, 04:47 PM   #1
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Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

Which one do you think should i vote for? Must admit iīm really excited about this

Canīt decide if i take Nr. 1 or 2?

What you say?
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Old 03-24-16, 04:57 PM   #2
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

I like No.2. I like the darker tone near her head :P
1.0 RTB (Rex) | 0.1 Western Hognose (Vista) | 1.0 Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli (Conquistador) | 3.0 Canis familiaris (Bagel/Pepsi/Macky)
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Old 03-24-16, 04:59 PM   #3
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

Dude....those look killer! Whichever one you get, I want updates!!!
"THE Reptiholic"

I stopped counting at 30....
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Old 03-24-16, 05:33 PM   #4
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

i tend to nr. 2. will ask breeder to get more pics and data. as i said they are hybrid between carpet and ball python. quite interesting.
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Old 03-24-16, 09:19 PM   #5
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

I'm partial to #1 - I like the bright clean background color. It creates a little more contrast. But both are gorgeous. I've never seen these before.
0.1 Hog Island Boa, 0.1 Woma Python, 2.3 Ball Pythons, 1.1 Stimson's Pythons, 1.1 Western Hognoses, 4.6 Corns, 1.1 Mexican Milks, 2.2 Black Milks, 1.1 CA Kings, 1.1 CA Red-Sided Garters, 2.3 Trans-Pecos Rats, 2.2 Russian Rats, 1.0 Olive House Snake
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Old 03-25-16, 02:58 AM   #6
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

Although I prefer walls (woma x ball) these are nice too I would go with nr 2 too!
0.1 Elaphe schrenckii, 0.1 Python regius, 1.0 Pantherophis guttatus, 2.0 R. ciliatus, 0.1 Pogona vitticeps, 1.0 Mauremys reevesii, 1.1 dogs
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Old 03-25-16, 05:48 AM   #7
EL Ziggy
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

To be honest I'd pass on both and get a real carpet python. That aside, for the sake of democracy, since we're's basically a toss up between the hybrids. I'd probably pick #2 because of the head pattern.
0.1 Albino Bull Snake (She-RA)~ 1.0 Snow Bull Snake (Apollo)~ 1.0 Coastal Carpet Python (Chomper)~ 1.0 JCP (Shredder)~ 1.0 Bredl Python (S'ven)~ 0.1 JJ x JCP (Trinity)~ 0.1 Albino Carpet Python (Akasha)~ 1.0 Olive Python (Nigel)~1.0 Scrub Python (Klauss)~ 1.0 BCI (Monty)~ 0.1 BCO (Xena)
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Old 03-25-16, 06:34 AM   #8
Tiny Boidae
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

Just be careful whichever one you get. I'm not totally 100% against hybrids so long as they're marketed AS hybrids (I still don't agree with it but my opinions won't stop people from making that jump), but health problems and infertility can arise so be prepared for that.
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Old 03-25-16, 07:29 AM   #9
RAD House
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

Those are pretty neat looking, and are definitely something unique for your collection. Let's stick to facts here, neither health problems or infertility seem to be an issue in snake hybrids of the same family. The one issue you may run into is husbandry. Just keep in mind that the two snakes may have different requirements so you may have to play around to find the sweet spot.
R.A.D. house
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Old 03-25-16, 08:05 AM   #10
Albert Clark
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

I'm not for hybridization, but people enjoy different things. I think it's enough to have naturally occurring intergrades that do make for a nice alternative. There are so many morphs nowadays in the Morelia strain and the Regius alike. However, it's different strokes for different folks. They both ( the hybrids) are equal in my eye.
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Old 03-25-16, 02:33 PM   #11
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

as far as i know hybrids often have a far more betetr health than pure breeds simply because the heterosis effect.

That said both are already i lose
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Old 03-26-16, 12:41 AM   #12
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

I've seen a few really wild looking colubrid hybrids, but in general the pythons aren't as widely divergent in appearance. I've seen a number of carpet/GTP hybrids, not so many carpet/BP crosses, but haven't seen anything that really made me say "I WANT that one..." They're pet snakes, as far as I see no different than crossing aquarium fish to produce different results. If that's what you like, what's the harm in breeding or keeping them?
7.6.26 Dominican red mountain boas, 1.1 carpet pythons, 3 ATB, 1.1 climacophora, 1.1 Russian rats, 1.1 prasina, 1.1 speckled kings, 3.3.1 corns, 1.1.1 black rats, 1.1 savu, 1.1 Stimson's, 1 spotted python, 1.1 Boiga nigriceps, 3 Olive house snakes, 1 Sonoran mountain king, 0.1 Sinoloan milk snake, 1.1 Dione rat snake.
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Old 03-26-16, 01:26 AM   #13
Albert Clark
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

Obviously there is a ton of controversy on hybridization. It certainly is a persons prerogative in keeping hybrids as pets. However breeding them is something that should be viewed as a muddying of the species involved. Genetically, it's a distraction from the goals of most breeders to improve on a species and a subspecies to hatch out a superior animal in coloration and patterning. Breeding hybrid aquarium fish is a far cry from breeding hybrid reptiles. There does exist the potential downsides to hybridization one being that offspring will typically be sterile. Others are a decreased life span and enhanced negative traits. Others argue these scientific successes lead to greater discoveries and help mankind. Big controversy!

Last edited by Albert Clark; 03-26-16 at 01:37 AM..
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Old 03-26-16, 01:33 AM   #14
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

Originally Posted by Albert Clark View Post
Obviously there is a ton of controversy on hybridization. It certainly is a persons prerogative in keeping hybrids as pets. However breeding them is something that should be viewed as a muddying of the species involved. Genetically, it's a distraction from the goals of most breeders to improve on a species and a subspecies to hatch out a superior animal in coloration and patterning. Breeding hybrid aquarium fish is a far cry from breeding hybrid reptiles.
no its exactly the same. i dont see the difference.
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Old 03-26-16, 11:21 AM   #15
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Re: Could get one of those hybrid pythons (carpet X ball)

I like #2 Generally i'm not a fan of hybrids but these look pretty cool
Bio-active for the win
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