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Old 03-06-16, 12:30 PM   #16
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question

So is a lesser and a lesser platnium 2 different things? Because I couldn't find the platnium gene anywhere on the genetic wizard. O.o
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Old 03-06-16, 01:22 PM   #17
Albert Clark
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question

I don't think you can get to the super form by breeding two hets together. You can get back to the actual visual (phenotypical) form of the morph though. Visual x Visual = super
Het x het = visual 50%
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Old 03-06-16, 01:46 PM   #18
Albert Clark
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question

@ Minkness: The original platinum bred to a "normal" was referred to as a lesser platinum. The lesser gene itself has been linebred and outcrossed to produce so many other morphs in the past and recently. Genetically they are similar but visually they are different.
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Old 03-06-16, 01:47 PM   #19
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question what IS a lesser platnium then? This is so confusing... @_@
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Old 03-06-16, 01:53 PM   #20
Albert Clark
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question

Trust me, it is a bit confusing . So you are not alone and you wont understand it right away but as you get more and more involved in the genetics part it will become a little clearer. Don't get panicked or frustrated over it now.
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Old 03-06-16, 02:02 PM   #21
RAD House
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question

Albert you have to look at heterozygous differently for a gene that is Incomplete dominant from one that is recessive. For an animal that is Incomplete dominant the heterozygous form is a visual morph and the super form is the homozygous. As you know for a recessive gene a heterozygous animal is normal visual and the homozygous is the visual morph.

Minkness a lesser platinum and a lesser are one in the same, lesser is just a shortened version. From what I can gather there was another gene that was involved with the first snake bred with the lesser gene. There is not a whole lot of information on this other gene but I have seen it called het platinum, het daddy, or het platty daddy. World of ball pythons calls it het daddy, and that it is a dominant gene. That means that there is no super form and a heterozygous and a homozygous animal look the same. I have read a few unsubstantiated accounts of a super form. WOBP also lists a platty daddy as a lesser daddy combo. There seems to be a lot of confusion about this gene.
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Old 03-06-16, 02:24 PM   #22
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question

Thanks. I think I will chaulk it up to a 'useless' gene and just think of my new BP as a lesser. If something comes from the platnium cool, but I'm not gling to stress it.
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Old 03-06-16, 02:30 PM   #23
Albert Clark
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question

@ MesoCorney: Thanks for clarifying that. I appreciate it.
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Old 03-06-16, 05:13 PM   #24
RAD House
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question

Minkness your animal is a one gene animal, a lesser platinum or a lesser as some call it. A platinum is different from what you have, a lesser platinum.
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Old 03-07-16, 02:27 PM   #25
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Re: Lesser Platnium Question

Originally Posted by Sublimeballs View Post
Aaron, I'm going to have to disagree. The "het platinum" gene should works just like all the other mutations in the complex; aside from being less recognizable.
It should be(and I say should because I've also only researched it and not bred them):

Lesser x het platinum = 1/4 platinums, 1/4 het platinums, 1/4 lessers, 1/4 normals

Het platinum x het platinum = 1/4 super het platinums( they'd be different than platinums, think super mystic vs mystic potion), 1/2 het platinums, 1/4 normals
You are correct in that you'd get the normals and lessers in the clutches. I purposely left that out though because I was too lazy to type it out. I was just putting out what they two genes combined make. As I said, it's what I THINK is the combos but I can't recall as it's been some time since I dug up the info on them. I find it useless since nobody wants to breed normals for slightly better looking lessers at a stupid cost.

Originally Posted by Minkness View Post
Thanks. I think I will chaulk it up to a 'useless' gene and just think of my new BP as a lesser. If something comes from the platnium cool, but I'm not gling to stress it.

Good idea. It'll save you some headache. To be honest, you can completely disregard platinum and patty daddy etc. and have just a fine time in ball pythons. The gene is virtually non-existent.
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