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Old 01-26-16, 02:27 PM   #16
Join Date: Sep-2011
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Re: A Question for Bird Owners

Have you tried Avian Avenue. That is a pretty informative board. There are always whackadoodles on every board just got to work around them.

Ive had reptiles, birds,chickens and other wierd pets for 30 years and the only time I got salmonella was from frozen fish patties.Salmonella really reallly sucks.

Also I dont believe in starter animals, thats how I ended up with my greencheek. Get what you want from the start and dont settle for less.
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Old 01-26-16, 03:40 PM   #17
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Re: A Question for Bird Owners

Thanks sasha! I did find avian avenue and so far they are great. The other 2 forums just didn't think I should have what I wanted and kept giving me crazy info (like snakes stressing a bird to death or the whole salmonella thing).

I believe I have found a good forum for my birdy needs/questions. =)
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Old 01-26-16, 09:35 PM   #18
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Re: A Question for Bird Owners

Originally Posted by Minkness View Post
I really don't know. It seems that the forum I found is full of crazy people.....

I've realized that the bird community is full of quacks. Just like cats
Not that they're not in all communities, but I grew up working in an exotic bird shop always helping my mom and I noticed that there's something off in a lot of bird owners. I'm sure I'm a crazy one too but I totally understand what you speak of when you found crazy people
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Old 01-26-16, 10:09 PM   #19
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Re: A Question for Bird Owners

Originally Posted by Pareeeee View Post
Birds and reptiles both naturally have salmonella in their digestive tract. How would a bird, then, catch salmonella?
There are multiple species, subspecies, strains, and serovars of Salmonella. Some are pathogenic, some aren't. The ones that are pathogenic often only act as pathogens in specific hosts. For example, there is a serovar that can live in chickens without harming them but can cause serious damage to humans. I only study animal to human transmission, so I don't know any specifics about animal to animal transmission, but it's definitely conceivable that a particular species, subspecies, strain, or serovar which lives in snakes could be pathogenic to birds. Likewise, there could be Salmonella in birds which is pathogenic to snakes.

That said, it's actually pretty difficult to become ill from Salmonella contamination. You have to really screw up with your hygiene practices somewhere along the line in order to get enough colony forming units transferred for illness to occur. When you hear about big outbreaks of Salmonella poisoning, it's usually because some piece of equipment has gone several months without any kind of sanitation(in factories this is often the result of some cutting machine or the like having a hidden nook which could not be accessed by their normal sterilization methods)

So yeah, even though a snake's Salmonella could potentially be pathogenic to a bird, common hygiene practices are plenty enough to prevent infection. Heck, the snake could sleep in the bird's food and it would still be safe to eat...assuming the snake doesn't have poop on it.

The moral of the story? Keep eating raw cookie dough. It's delicious, and pretty safe.
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Old 01-26-16, 10:19 PM   #20
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Re: A Question for Bird Owners

Yay!!! Cookie dough!!! Lol
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