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Old 10-13-15, 02:26 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep-2011
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Intoducing Twitch.

He is a gold tegu and rather friendly, except when he thinks you have food then watch out..I am starting target training in a few days once he is settled in. I took him in and dont for sure know if Im keeping him long term but I will train him and keep him as friendly as I can until I decide so he will be adoptable.
Either way I think he is super cool.
He shed just after this picture so looks much more gold..
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Old 10-13-15, 02:38 PM   #2
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

Very cool. What is target training?
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Old 10-13-15, 03:45 PM   #3
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

Well Im hoping to train him to target or touch a stick for food so he doesnt go after me.
Ive done it with birds and dogs but not with a lizard before. I have seen youtube videos with monitors, alligators and a komodo dragon so hoping with alot of patience can also get a duller witted animal to target as well. My biggest concern is his quick excitement, he can just about leap out of his tank he gets so exuberant for his food.
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Old 10-13-15, 08:09 PM   #4
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

Nice. How old do suppose he is? I know some of the Argentine varieties get over 4 feet long and heavy. Don't the gold/black and white Columbians stay a bit smaller and lighter? Also, it seems from the ones I've seen the males don't get those same big jowels like the Argentines, correct?
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Old 10-13-15, 08:53 PM   #5
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

Ooooh, these sound nice! I have been interested in a nice lizard that's on the larger side but easy to handle. Maybe gold tegues are something I should research.
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Old 10-14-15, 03:03 AM   #6
dave himself
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

He's a beauty, we've found that most of the golds are more feisty than the B&W or reds that come into the shop. Although I was talking to a guy who breeds golds and all his are very calm so perhaps we've just been unlucky
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Old 10-14-15, 03:05 AM   #7
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

What a beauty
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Old 10-14-15, 07:34 AM   #8
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

Yes he is way faster then an argentine and what I would call high strung like small lizards are. Ive had an argentine tegu I raised from a baby. I bought him from Bert before he passed away, he was totally awesome and was huge.
But the teguixins are just not the calm easy going lizards that the Argentine are.
I have no idea if I will succeed or fail miserably at training this guy. Im lucky that he is used to being handled so half the work is done for me.
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Old 10-14-15, 09:24 AM   #9
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

I hope it will work out, i cared for a black and white one for a bit once (just for the holidays) it was very tame and such an amazing creature.. but a danger when there was food around!
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Old 10-14-15, 10:35 AM   #10
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

My argentine was crazy around food as well but I think in hindsight I should have been more routine with his food. Like always feeding in the same dish at the same time etc.
I was rather random and that made him more unpredictable at mealtimes.
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Old 10-14-15, 03:13 PM   #11
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

He looks great! A friend of mine target trained his tegu with a bell. It was an Argentine, though, so a bit easier to work with, but I think if he can do it then you can too Tegus are much smarter than people tend to think. I think their slowness and tendency to ignore certain things makes people think they are dumb.

Hope all goes well for you! He's at a good size for that kind of training, from what I understand.
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Old 11-21-15, 05:58 PM   #12
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Re: Intoducing Twitch.

Well I rehomed Twitch, he was just too crazy for me and the longer I kept him the less likely he would be to find a new home. So I gave him to a guy who had a good cage and really was excited to get him. I explained how crazy he was at feeding time. But also how amazingly calm he was when out of his cage.
Anyway, I am thinking this man could handle him and happy he will have a good home.
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