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Old 07-13-15, 01:58 PM   #1
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Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

Today is feeding day for my Ball Python and I thawed the mouse out for about 2 hours (a little longer than I should have) and I came in here and dangled it in front of him and he took it without a second thought me and my brother cheered in delight about how well he is doing...

Then thing went horribly wrong. I went to shut his cage and the canopy piece I made fell and it startled the crap out of him, he dropped the mouse, and now he won't take it.

I tried waiting about 20 minutes and tried again, he didn't take it. So I've refroze it and don't know if I should ry it later on tonight or if I should wait a week until next feeding time, or just wait until tomorrow.

I don't know why that startled him so bad. His heart was beating so hard that he was literally bobbing everytime he took a breath. He isn't being aggressive though, so I guess that's a plus.
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Old 07-13-15, 02:24 PM   #2
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

Wait day or two and try again, or wait a week. Up to you. And some snakes are just like that. I think BPs are more skittish than most imo as my male did the samething and all I did was sneeze while he was trying to eat...I just reheated his mouse and tried again, and he took it that time, but I think I was just lucky. Lol
Good luck!
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Old 07-13-15, 02:25 PM   #3
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

Originally Posted by Praireboyfarmer View Post
Today is feeding day for my Ball Python and I thawed the mouse out for about 2 hours (a little longer than I should have) and I came in here and dangled it in front of him and he took it without a second thought me and my brother cheered in delight about how well he is doing...

Then thing went horribly wrong. I went to shut his cage and the canopy piece I made fell and it startled the crap out of him, he dropped the mouse, and now he won't take it.

I tried waiting about 20 minutes and tried again, he didn't take it. So I've refroze it and don't know if I should ry it later on tonight or if I should wait a week until next feeding time, or just wait until tomorrow.

I don't know why that startled him so bad. His heart was beating so hard that he was literally bobbing everytime he took a breath. He isn't being aggressive though, so I guess that's a plus.
When snakes are eating they are extremely vulnerable to predators. They know this so they tend to be more on guard than usual.

What happened was the noise/vibrations startled the snake into thinking something dangerous is around so he won't take the prey item until the snake is once again feeling secure.

Don't worry. It won't take long. I would just wait until next feeding day.
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Old 07-13-15, 11:40 PM   #4
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

I'd wait until the next feeding day as well, it may work out best for you. It's a hit or miss if mine takes it again the same night, so if for some reason he gets startled that's what I do.
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Old 07-14-15, 05:04 AM   #5
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

As others have said, I'm sure he'll take it again soon... However I'd throw the thawed eat away n use a freshly defrosted one on the next feed day
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 07-14-15, 10:32 AM   #6
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

Originally Posted by Snakey-Jay View Post
As others have said, I'm sure he'll take it again soon... However I'd throw the thawed eat away n use a freshly defrosted one on the next feed day
I agree that the snake will eat fine next week, as long as you don't accidentally spook him all over again. If I was you I'd invest a little time into making sure that canopy won't fall again.

I disagree about throwing the mouse away though. You can safely refreeze a rodent once, I've done it at least a dozen times without any problems, though I would not refreeze it more than once. Also if you throw it out that animal died for nothing, so I wouldn't throw it out unless it is absolutely necessary, and I don't even like rodents.
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Old 07-14-15, 12:56 PM   #7
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

Originally Posted by that1guy View Post
I agree that the snake will eat fine next week, as long as you don't accidentally spook him all over again. If I was you I'd invest a little time into making sure that canopy won't fall again.

I disagree about throwing the mouse away though. You can safely refreeze a rodent once, I've done it at least a dozen times without any problems, though I would not refreeze it more than once. Also if you throw it out that animal died for nothing, so I wouldn't throw it out unless it is absolutely necessary, and I don't even like rodents.
Not saying it can't be used... But for the whole time it was defrosted (and probably heated before feeding) it starts to break down/degrade... Out of personal preference I don't re freeze prey items because of this.
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 07-14-15, 03:46 PM   #8
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

Originally Posted by Snakey-Jay View Post
Not saying it can't be used... But for the whole time it was defrosted (and probably heated before feeding) it starts to break down/degrade... Out of personal preference I don't re freeze prey items because of this.
What you say is true about them degrading after being defrosted. I defrost mine in the fridge and don't heat them. They are usually only sitting at room temp for about an hour. Even if you do defrost them at room temp and heat them they should be fine to refreeze and reuse once. According to the research I've done reading hundreds of first hand accounts from keepers who had this same dilemma. I just think it is a bit wasteful to throw a rat out if you can safely reuse it. That being said I just wanted the OP to know he can, in my, and others, experience safely refreeze and reuse the rodent once that way he can make his own decision .

Last edited by that1guy; 07-14-15 at 03:51 PM..
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Old 07-14-15, 06:07 PM   #9
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

I refreeze only once, and only things bigger than fuzzies. If it comes down to it though, I throw mice/rats outside so something else can eat it.
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Old 07-14-15, 10:22 PM   #10
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

I'll refreeze a prey item once but now I have enough snakes so that any refusals are passed along to whoever's hungry.
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Old 07-15-15, 06:22 AM   #11
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

Nothing wrong with reusing it once matey, I've been known to do it myself... I just prefer now to throw away any wastage rather than re freeze as a couple of my boas have to be left with it overnight.. If it's there in the morning it's definitely not getting refrozen lol.
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 07-15-15, 08:39 AM   #12
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

In my experience when food is refused its then left in overnight to see, so I never refreeze any of my feeders. If I defrosted some and didn't feed, then I'd refreeze them for sure, but otherwise its worth a few bucks for safety. Although it does make me sad when rat/mouse's life is wasted.

On the note of snake habits while eating.
My Nicaraguan will give you the evil eye and watch you until you stop moving before she'll start to eat.
My CA will come to the front as if he expecting more until he doesn't notice you anymore.
My young female Argentine will hiss at me when she has food in her mouth. NEVER drops it. I'll feed everyone and as I come back past her she hisses at me. One time I came back a bit later and she had it almost down and she still hissed at me! She doesn't hiss any other time I'm just nearby.
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Old 07-15-15, 03:20 PM   #13
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Re: Spooked Ball Python, won't eat. What should I do?

Behaviour wise mine will all eat in front of you but with varying degrees of animosity lmao
Cheers, Jamie.
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