Originally Posted by reptiledude987
best way I've found to treat mites is to remove all substrate. discard anything that cant be sanitized. Sanitize the enclosure with a dilluted bleach solution and rince well. use newsprint or paper towel as a temp substrate and spray with nix solution (1 50ml bottle of nix shampoo diluted into 1 gal of water mixed well) every 2nd day for a month. when spraying solution spray the entire enclosure all hides and the animal its self.
the only thing I would add to this
your way of doing it will for sure kill everything hehehehe
but you don't need to do it every two days, once a week for 3 weeks is all you need. even then, that first treatment will have killed everything but to be 100% sure, it's recommended to do it twice more.
reasons are:
- you have to remove the water bowl for 24h after treatment, if you do it every two days !!!! snakes won't have access to water too often.
- the solution stays active once it dries and will kill everything that comes in contact with it. I use paper towels sprayed with NIX in my fruit fly culture shelves. kill wanderers,fly mites and any other bug that walks on it for weeks..
extra note: keep the unused solution in a Dark cold place, light will illiminate the active ingredients, if kept in the dark, it will have a shelf live of 1 year.