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Old 03-07-14, 08:54 PM   #1
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Unhappy I need help with an Identification.

Hello everyone. I write this in the midst of grief and sadness, because in my backyard today was what we thought was a rattlesnake. Having previously encountered a rattlesnake that had nearly killed one of my cats the day before, my parents panicked and unfortunately killed the snake.

It wasn't a rattlesnake, and I can't tell what it is.

I'd like to know what you guys think it is. I live in Southern California, San Diego. It's been generally hot the past couple of days. Closest I could find was a California Kingsnake, but I just wanted to check what you guys thought.

Image is attached of the snake's head and most of it's body, and I have one of it's tail end if needed.

Again, I am truly regretful that I let panic take place of where curiosity and caution should've taken place. I feel truly horrible for letting the beautiful snake die, and any closure would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 03-07-14, 09:05 PM   #2
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

That's a California kingsnake. They are harmless.
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Old 03-07-14, 09:20 PM   #3
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

Darn! That was one beautiful Cali king.
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Old 03-07-14, 11:00 PM   #4
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

Originally Posted by Vistropiate View Post
I live in Southern California, San Diego. It's been generally hot the past couple of days. Closest I could find was a California Kingsnake, but I just wanted to check what you guys thought.
You are spot on. It was a harmless, non-venomous California kingsnake. Maybe you can use this information to make sure another doesn't get needlessly killed in the future.
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Old 03-07-14, 11:52 PM   #5
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

I wouldn't be surprised if the poor king snake was there because he was on the trail of the rattle snake you had the day before.
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Old 03-08-14, 05:43 AM   #6
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

As war eagle mentioned, king snakes are adept at killing and eating r attlers (and other snakes) so they are actually very good to have around. Share this information with your parents, and if you see another crisply banded black and white snake like that you will . Know that it is harmless. Also familiarize yourself with some of the other color patterns of kings, such as the desert california king. Though its likely that the wild ones in your area are all black and white banded.
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Old 03-08-14, 06:56 AM   #7
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

Originally Posted by Vistropiate View Post
any closure would be greatly appreciated.
I think the King Snake has closure, it's dead. Ironically you killed the snake that would have kept the snake you were afraid of away. Even venomous snakes should not be killed on site, they have a right to live among us.
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Old 03-08-14, 12:31 PM   #8
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

I know, I know.

I felt so terrible once I learned it was a Kingsnake, and I knew it was likely hunting our rattler. My dad made the choice to get the neighbor who brought his shovel. I feel like I could've said something, that it wasn't a rattler, and I could've saved it, but the adrenaline got to me.

In a few years, I hope to buy myself a Kingsnake, because it was truly a beautiful snake and I really, really feel bad for letting this one die.

Thank you all for your help identifying it. I will be sure to exercise hesitation and speak up when it's needed the next time we find a snake.
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Old 03-08-14, 12:37 PM   #9
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

Don't let it stress you out too much. I'm glad this was a positive learning experience for you.
If you do decide to purchase a king snake this is the best place for help!

Originally Posted by Vistropiate View Post
I know, I know.

I felt so terrible once I learned it was a Kingsnake, and I knew it was likely hunting our rattler. My dad made the choice to get the neighbor who brought his shovel. I feel like I could've said something, that it wasn't a rattler, and I could've saved it, but the adrenaline got to me.

In a few years, I hope to buy myself a Kingsnake, because it was truly a beautiful snake and I really, really feel bad for letting this one die.

Thank you all for your help identifying it. I will be sure to exercise hesitation and speak up when it's needed the next time we find a snake.
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Old 03-08-14, 04:24 PM   #10
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

...and a big slap in the face to everyone who made the OP feel like scum. (SMACK!)

1) If you read the original post, you will see he stated his parents killed the snake, not him. So for everyone who chastised the OP for killing it, booyah.

2) He already expressed remorse for recognizing it was not a rattlesnake and kudos to him for at least taking the time to join this site and asking for help to ID the snake even in death, to help him in the future. wonder people leave this site.
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Old 03-08-14, 05:12 PM   #11
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Re: I need help with an Identification.

I guess many people would react in the same situation not knowing what snake it was, especially if they'd suffered an attack on their cat a few day previous.

I can't help but wonder what it must like to have such a diverse range of local snakes whereas here in the UK all we have are the two species, the grass snake and the very mildly venomous adder, oh and the lizard with no legs of course the slow worm.
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