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Old 08-14-13, 08:51 PM   #1
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feeding eggs

Hi! I for some reason have it in my mind that feeding chicken eggs to my sav would be a bad thing. So I have not fed them that. But from watching TV seems like monitors like to eat eggs.

I want to tap into you guy's knowledge about the subject of feeding eggs. The more detail the better. Currently mine is on 50% rodent and 50% insects(super worms and crickets mostly)
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Old 08-15-13, 12:20 AM   #2
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Re: feeding eggs

I feed my dumerilii, olivaceous, and becarrii quail eggs once a month or so, I usually feed my females eggs when they first start to cycle, no real reason just seems like they could use a calcium boost at that time. I've fed fertilized chicken and goose eggs to the larger species too, along with reptile eggs on occasion. Only drawback to eggs is the smell, you can always tell the day after you've fed eggs, not nice.
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Old 08-15-13, 10:25 AM   #3
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Re: feeding eggs

Hi, I`ve always fed fertilised hen and quail eggs to my monitors, they are a healthy addition to the captive diet in my opinion. Just out of interest, they can digest bird egg shell but not reptile (but there`s still good nutritional value in reptile eggs).
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Old 08-15-13, 10:00 PM   #4
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Re: feeding eggs

thx guys. You all mention fertilized. So what about the chicken eggs you get at the stores? What's the reason you are specifically not using those?

And how often is recommended for eggs, what percentage of the diet, etc?

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Old 08-16-13, 11:36 AM   #5
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Re: feeding eggs

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
thx guys. You all mention fertilized. So what about the chicken eggs you get at the stores? What's the reason you are specifically not using those?

And how often is recommended for eggs, what percentage of the diet, etc?

All the quail eggs I offer are fertilized and it's easy these days to find fertilized chicken eggs at the store so why bother with unfertilized? Plus I understand that the unfertilized eggs are less nutritious.
I never do any set feeding schedule or regimen, food items and frequency of feeding is an ever changing um...thing (damn I should have gone to college) based on the conditions of the animals, time of year, breeding conditions etc.
That said I probably feed eggs about once a month and I feed my animals just about everyday.
"It is impossible to recreate nature in whole by recreating it in part" -H. Hediger
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Old 08-16-13, 02:05 PM   #6
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Re: feeding eggs

Originally Posted by B_Aller View Post
All the quail eggs I offer are fertilized and it's easy these days to find fertilized chicken eggs at the store so why bother with unfertilized? Plus I understand that the unfertilized eggs are less nutritious.
I never do any set feeding schedule or regimen, food items and frequency of feeding is an ever changing um...thing (damn I should have gone to college) based on the conditions of the animals, time of year, breeding conditions etc.
That said I probably feed eggs about once a month and I feed my animals just about everyday.
Thx again I'll be looking for fertilized eggs then. Where do you usually find them?

As for unfertilized just wondering is it just less nutritious or something is bad about it? For some reason I seem to remember in my head reading in a few places that eggs(at least the chicken eggs in the stores) are really bad for monitors and I should never do that...

Also, you feed eggs once a month, I'm assuming it's on purpose that it's so rare. So I guess what I'm trying to get at is.. if fed regularly(say once or twice a week) will cause problems I wanna be sure I don't end up feeding eggs more than once a month. Just don't want to cause problems. thx!
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Old 08-16-13, 02:25 PM   #7
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Re: feeding eggs

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
Thx again I'll be looking for fertilized eggs then. Where do you usually find them?

As for unfertilized just wondering is it just less nutritious or something is bad about it? For some reason I seem to remember in my head reading in a few places that eggs(at least the chicken eggs in the stores) are really bad for monitors and I should never do that...

Also, you feed eggs once a month, I'm assuming it's on purpose that it's so rare. So I guess what I'm trying to get at is.. if fed regularly(say once or twice a week) will cause problems I wanna be sure I don't end up feeding eggs more than once a month. Just don't want to cause problems. thx!
I buy fertilized eggs at either the Asian markets or the food co-op/ hippy type stores (peace, love, granola and fertilized eggs!)
I don't think the store eggs are all that bad, although they are radiated and sometimes sprayed with cleaning agents. Don't see much poo stuck to the store bought eggs do you?
I feed eggs once a month mostly because that's about how often I go the Asian markets for food and feed fresh, plus even though my animals are not in my home, my office is in the reptile building and I don't care foor the smell of egg feces.
"It is impossible to recreate nature in whole by recreating it in part" -H. Hediger
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Old 08-16-13, 03:04 PM   #8
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Re: feeding eggs

All poultry makes all poo stink.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.
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Old 08-16-13, 04:17 PM   #9
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Re: feeding eggs

Originally Posted by B_Aller View Post
I buy fertilized eggs at either the Asian markets or the food co-op/ hippy type stores (peace, love, granola and fertilized eggs!)
I don't think the store eggs are all that bad, although they are radiated and sometimes sprayed with cleaning agents. Don't see much poo stuck to the store bought eggs do you?
I feed eggs once a month mostly because that's about how often I go the Asian markets for food and feed fresh, plus even though my animals are not in my home, my office is in the reptile building and I don't care foor the smell of egg feces.
Thanks for the info. I guess I'll add eggs, both fertilized and non-fertilized to the diet. Maybe try it once a week. Raw I guess.

If anyone sees any red lights please let me know..thx!
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Old 08-16-13, 04:30 PM   #10
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Re: feeding eggs

Also, if the lizard breaks the egg while eating it would the shell cut his throat or intestines?
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Old 08-18-13, 10:08 AM   #11
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Re: feeding eggs

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
Also, if the lizard breaks the egg while eating it would the shell cut his throat or intestines?
Please don't take this wrong but that made me laugh!
You should see some of the things that have been pulled out of monitor stomachs over the years! These guys can and will eat just about anything without harm.
This reminds me of the nonsense that goes on with the leopard gekko keepers and their silly arguments about substrate, do they think all leo's eat off plates in Pakistan?
Nepoez, in S.E Asia they have to specially design their chicken coops to prevent monitor egg raids, I have a friend in Thailand who is called to his neighbors chicken coops frequently to remove a monitor that has gotten in, eaten all the eggs and is too fat to get out!
Stop over worrying!
"It is impossible to recreate nature in whole by recreating it in part" -H. Hediger
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Old 08-18-13, 11:12 AM   #12
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Re: feeding eggs

Originally Posted by B_Aller View Post
Stop over worrying!
I push that philosophy daily, as people buy disinfectant sprays for logs, boil rocks and bake sticks, sift out pebbles, and refuse to dig up natural dirt because it has germs.

Old quote: (Guess who Ben) "You can feed them nails as long as you keep them hot enough"

I used to laugh at this statement, but in retrospect, the underlying message is very real.

Nepoez - You are doing great by your lizard, and your eagerness to learn and utilize what you have learned deserves kudos....
"Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes
of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?"
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Old 08-18-13, 12:11 PM   #13
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Re: feeding eggs

Great thx all! This should conclude my egg questions that I've wanted to ask for a while. I went and got a carton of quail eggs. I fed 4 and he swollowed whole. So I'll do it once a week!
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Old 08-19-13, 08:15 AM   #14
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Re: feeding eggs

Originally Posted by infernalis View Post
I push that philosophy daily, as people buy disinfectant sprays for logs, boil rocks and bake sticks, sift out pebbles, and refuse to dig up natural dirt because it has germs.

Old quote: (Guess who Ben) "You can feed them nails as long as you keep them hot enough"

I used to laugh at this statement, but in retrospect, the underlying message is very real.
Mine once ate a rock almost the size of his head and passed it the next day. Dont imagine it would have been very pleasant though lol.
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Old 08-19-13, 10:03 AM   #15
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Re: feeding eggs

Originally Posted by fuzzhc View Post
Mine once ate a rock almost the size of his head and passed it the next day. Dont imagine it would have been very pleasant though lol.
That would be unpleasant for an animal 10 times the size... OUCH.
"Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes
of knowledge to the nipples of ignorance?"
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