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Old 07-21-13, 12:45 PM   #46
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
Considering only pictures of 2 of my enclosures have been posted, you have no idea how my enclosures are done nor have any ideas how updated they are. You have no idea whether my enclosures are better than yours or not even. Again. You wish some things, I wish others.

You act like I care enough to post that info. You act like I have that info. I'm not the person with the work on it. Why would I have y of it? I don't even know if they have any of their work published. Can't you understand paraphrasing what somebody else said?

How do you not understand that this thread has an actual point. It's a rescue thread not an 'insert stupid opinions here/flame/debate' thread. It's a thread for me to post updates on my animals and their health not a 'spew your disagreements' thread. Is that too much to ask?

Wait wait no one can make a disagreement with you because YOU don't want it?

You still clearly don't get my point about husbandry. You're using out of date information in trying to have multiple solitary creatures live together. If you miss it this time then I'm simply done with the point because you clearly will never see it.

I know what "paraphrasing" is. The whole reason this discussion came up is because you're making absurd claims to animals and how they apparently can "bond" to one another. I simply asked for the proof of the 4 people who have work on it. If it's not published it's scribbles in a notebook! You're making up lies at this point to prove yourself correct. Stop it. Stop making wild accusations without backing them up.
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Old 07-21-13, 12:49 PM   #47
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Re: Rescue

I think it's pretty rad that you rescued these animals. I'll stay out of the other debate though. I don't have the energy today. lol
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Old 07-21-13, 12:53 PM   #48
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
Wait wait no one can make a disagreement with you because YOU don't want it?

You still clearly don't get my point about husbandry. You're using out of date information in trying to have multiple solitary creatures live together. If you miss it this time then I'm simply done with the point because you clearly will never see it.

I know what "paraphrasing" is. The whole reason this discussion came up is because you're making absurd claims to animals and how they apparently can "bond" to one another. I simply asked for the proof of the 4 people who have work on it. If it's not published it's scribbles in a notebook! You're making up lies at this point to prove yourself correct. Stop it. Stop making wild accusations without backing them up.
If you want to say something is a lie because you simply haven't experienced it yourself, that's your deal. That's fine but take it to a different thread. This isn't the thread for that. I didn't say people can't disagree, but just because somebody says something you disagree with, especially on a topic so untouched like a reptile's brain, it doesn't make them a liar. It doesn't make them wrong. It makes them open minded enough they aren't going to jump down a person throat (like you are) when somebody says something they don't necessarily share the same feelings for.

One thing I hate about the herp community. The majority's ability to start a flame over a keeper who simply stated an opinion and claim somebody is a liar just because they've had an uncommon experience.

Opinions are like really big dicks. It's more than fine to have one, but don't go shoving it down everyones throats.
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Old 07-21-13, 12:53 PM   #49
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Little Wise Owl View Post

I think it's pretty rad that you rescued these animals. I'll stay out of the other debate though. I don't have the energy today. lol
+1 Thank you.
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Old 07-21-13, 01:06 PM   #50
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
+1 Thank you.
For what? I'm willing to bet she wouldn't be on your side...
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Old 07-21-13, 01:10 PM   #51
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
If you want to say something is a lie because you simply haven't experienced it yourself, that's your deal. That's fine but take it to a different thread. This isn't the thread for that. I didn't say people can't disagree, but just because somebody says something you disagree with, especially on a topic so untouched like a reptile's brain, it doesn't make them a liar. It doesn't make them wrong. It makes them open minded enough they aren't going to jump down a person throat (like you are) when somebody says something they don't necessarily share the same feelings for.

One thing I hate about the herp community. The majority's ability to start a flame over a keeper who simply stated an opinion and claim somebody is a liar just because they've had an uncommon experience.

Opinions are like really big dicks. It's more than fine to have one, but don't go shoving it down everyones throats.
I pointed you to the other thread. You haven't posted and went off about some random people you probably made up.

Some little known fact about me, in my mid - late teens I worked in pet stores with multitude of reptiles. I saw multiple animals in cages and I would regularly pull them out to sell or whatever and not an issue with separation. So I haven't experienced it? Try again. I've got more than you're single sample.

Hello? Do you read what I put? I asked for proof of your points. Meaning I am open minded to the idea IF there's information to back it up. You cast off the whole limbic system idea so who's really open minded here? Who's the one leaving facts out to better substantiate their ideas so they aren't wrong?

You can say what you want about "flaming" but it wasn't started that way. I called you a liar when you started "paraphrasing" random things.

This forum, and I'm sure others, strongly dislike liars. There was one and she no longer exists on any forums. No shame in not being experienced or anything but don't lie about it to make yourself look cool.
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Old 07-21-13, 01:17 PM   #52
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by RandyRhoads View Post
For what? I'm willing to bet she wouldn't be on your side...
I'm thanking her for not being incredibly rude and debating something that is just a flame. No matter what the reason is she chose not to argue, the point is, she didn't. I don't care who's side she is on. Sides don't matter. Respect matters. Something a lot of you have proven you don't have.
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Old 07-21-13, 01:27 PM   #53
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
Hello? Do you read what I put? I asked for proof of your points. Meaning I am open minded to the idea IF there's information to back it up. You cast off the whole limbic system idea so who's really open minded here? Who's the one leaving facts out to better substantiate their ideas so they aren't wrong?

This forum, and I'm sure others, strongly dislike liars. There was one and she no longer exists on any forums. No shame in not being experienced or anything but don't lie about it to make yourself look cool.
Hello? Do you read what I put? I pointed out those aren't my points and I care nothing to debate with you. Again, if you want to call it a lie, that's fine. I don't care. Go right ahead. I don't cast off the whole limbic system idea. I am open minded. To the fact to a reptile's brain doesn't work the same as a humans brain. Yes. They do not have a limbic system and in MAMMALS limbic systems control things like emotions. These aren't mammals. We don't know enough about reptilian brains to know that there isn't another part of the brain that takes care of that instead. Yeah a limbic system does that in mammals. This isn't a mammal. They work very differently from mammals. We expect their brains to work similarly but the truth is we don't know if they work similarly or not. That is my argument and the only argument I care to post because it is valid as **** and nobody can prove it wrong because nobody has that proof because nobody knows. I don't know. You don't know. Nobody knows. They haven't even mapped out the human brain entirely. They don't know all of it's functions. Why should we expect to know how a reptile's brain functions? We don't actually know. I've had this debate multiple times and I really don't care to have it again. Nobody cares what I think, though, I'm crazy, remember? I don't like bothering to debate with people who resort to insulting people and making obscene accusations.
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Old 07-21-13, 01:28 PM   #54
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
I'm thanking her for not being incredibly rude and debating something that is just a flame. No matter what the reason is she chose not to argue, the point is, she didn't. I don't care who's side she is on. Sides don't matter. Respect matters. Something a lot of you have proven you don't have.
You're so silly.

It's not a flame. It's a debate. We've tried engaging you in it but you sit there and say "NO!" and cross your arms like a child because we aren't playing by your rules but the open forum rules.

We've asked for further information and you simply stand by the fact of YOUR experience in this ONE case as if it's fact for the entire species. Prove to us that they aren't solitary creatures. You made that statement as well.

I've got respect. Lots of it for people. You can earn some but I highly doubt you'll be around long enough. You seem to think "it's your way or the highway". Maybe in your LARP world where all the men around you will be your sycophants because they don't see women except relatives that works but not here, not on the web or in the real world.
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Old 07-21-13, 01:35 PM   #55
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
You're so silly.

It's not a flame. It's a debate. We've tried engaging you in it but you sit there and say "NO!" and cross your arms like a child because we aren't playing by your rules but the open forum rules.

We've asked for further information and you simply stand by the fact of YOUR experience in this ONE case as if it's fact for the entire species. Prove to us that they aren't solitary creatures. You made that statement as well.

I've got respect. Lots of it for people. You can earn some but I highly doubt you'll be around long enough. You seem to think "it's your way or the highway". Maybe in your LARP world where all the men around you will be your sycophants because they don't see women except relatives that works but not here, not on the web or in the real world.
When there are insults, it's a flame. I'm crossing my arms and saying no because perhaps, I dunno, maybe, just maybe I don't want to debate. Maybe, just maybe, THIS ISN'T A DEBATE THREAD. You can't force people to debate. Maybe just maybe I'm a pacifist who doesn't really like arguing conjecture. I've already sat here and said if you want to believe that fine whatever I don't care. I've already sat here and asked you to stop because I don't give enough of a **** to actually argue. You've already sat here and established you don't actually give a **** about what I post so WHY for God's sake are you harassing me trying to get me to post?
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Old 07-21-13, 01:48 PM   #56
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
Hello? Do you read what I put? I pointed out those aren't my points and I care nothing to debate with you.
Wait. They aren't your points? What would these be then?

You're right. There is something wrong with that. It's separation stress. I didn't say they 'missed' each other. Everyone knows snakes don't feel like that ~dripping sarcasm~.
These snakes have been seen by several vets now who, after not only having the behaviour described but watching the behaviour themselves, they explained it as stress induced by separation. The change in the norm (the norm being with the other snake) is too jarring for them and was described as making them feel vulnerable.
Huh. Those look like points you fully agree with and take on as your own.

I don't cast off the whole limbic system idea.
This is counter to what you said.

And, telling everyone right now, pointing out that they don't have limbic systems means jack to me so just really don't even bother
You do cast it off. Why do you switch views all the time to suit your next argument?

I am open minded.
Obviously not. Here's where you shut someone else down.

Don't take it personally, but you haven't seen these snakes and you haven't seen every case in the world by any means. I'm not saying your opinion isn't valid, but I can already tell you you're wrong. minded to other's ideas. Clearly shown.

To the fact to a reptile's brain doesn't work the same as a humans brain. Yes. They do not have a limbic system and in MAMMALS limbic systems control things like emotions. These aren't mammals. We don't know enough about reptilian brains to know that there isn't another part of the brain that takes care of that instead. Yeah a limbic system does that in mammals. This isn't a mammal. They work very differently from mammals. We expect their brains to work similarly but the truth is we don't know if they work similarly or not. That is my argument and the only argument I care to post because it is valid as **** and nobody can prove it wrong because nobody has that proof because nobody knows. I don't know. You don't know. Nobody knows. They haven't even mapped out the human brain entirely. They don't know all of it's functions. Why should we expect to know how a reptile's brain functions? We don't actually know. I've had this debate multiple times and I really don't care to have it again. Nobody cares what I think, though, I'm crazy, remember? I don't like bothering to debate with people who resort to insulting people and making obscene accusations.
I never called you crazy. I called you liar. You say they've seen "professionals" but a lot of people claim to be "reptile professionals" and they really aren't. You haven't given names or reports. Considering you've had this debate before you should know that factual documentation is key to proving ones point.

Why not have this done by them? Why not show the world you've got ground breaking animals in your own house? If you truly have your stance and it's fine then why not try to sway everybody else with the facts you apparently have?

Clearly there's something wrong with this picture.

I make my opinions based on the current data available. When it changes then I'll re-assess my views and go from there. I don't mind being wrong but I'd like proof I'm wrong and not someone spouting off about some random rescues. Apparently this ONLY happens with rescues. Not a single other pair of snakes.
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Old 07-21-13, 01:51 PM   #57
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
When there are insults, it's a flame. I'm crossing my arms and saying no because perhaps, I dunno, maybe, just maybe I don't want to debate. Maybe, just maybe, THIS ISN'T A DEBATE THREAD. You can't force people to debate. Maybe just maybe I'm a pacifist who doesn't really like arguing conjecture. I've already sat here and said if you want to believe that fine whatever I don't care. I've already sat here and asked you to stop because I don't give enough of a **** to actually argue. You've already sat here and established you don't actually give a **** about what I post so WHY for God's sake are you harassing me trying to get me to post?
I'm not harassing you. You just keep doing it.

Debate thread or not you brought up the initial statement. Responded to those who made remarks towards it and kept up this conversation.

I see it as this. Current data doesn't support your views. I simply want to state the truth so new people don't come reading your views and go "hey! Reptiles are deep. They know how to love me and each other."

I'm trying to make it NOT conjecture but you refuse to back up your statements. Don't make them if you don't wish to be called on it.
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Old 07-21-13, 01:54 PM   #58
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
Clearly there's something wrong with this picture.
Clearly you're piecing together multiple conversations to make me look worse and misconstrue things. IF you'd read the whole post maybe you'd learn something or understand my points. You wanted a point. There's my point. Take it or leave it. You asked for it, I put it out there. You don't like it. Not my ****ing problem. End of story.

Current data? You mean INCOMPLETE data. You mean data that scratches the surface of the reptilian brain and only proves they are different from mammals. Oh my god. That's such a discovery! You can tell they're different just by looking at them. Holy mother of god Batman, they have scales. Holy bat nipples Batman, they're cold blooded! Holy anatomy Batman, they have a Jacobson's Organ - a forked tongue - HEMI PENES. Obviously they aren't like us. OBviously their brains don't work the same either. There is nothing to back it up. It's conjecture. Theory. Nothing more nothing less. OPINION. Oh my god, stone me, burn me on the stake and condemn me to hell for I expressed an opinion.

I don't understand assholes like you. You sit there and you badger, harass insult and accuse and when the person finally replies with something valid, you **** all over it. Please get a life.

Last edited by Abraxxos; 07-21-13 at 01:59 PM..
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Old 07-21-13, 01:56 PM   #59
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
Clearly you're piecing together multiple conversations to make me look worse and misconstrue things. IF you'd read the whole post maybe you'd learn something or understand my points. You wanted a point. There's my point. Take it or leave it. You asked for it, I put it out there. You don't like it. Not my ****ing problem. End of story.

I don't understand assholes like you. You sit there and you badger, harass insult and accuse and when the person finally replies with something valid, you **** all over it. Please get a life.
It isn't valid...I asked for the validation. Politely at first. You refused. That's fine but don't get the panties in a wad when you're called on it.

I love being told to get a life. I have quite a fine one thank you.

Since you edited: They aren't actually "cold-blooded". Their blood rises to higher degrees than ours does! "Ectotherm" would be a much better choice in words.

Oh, by the way, are snakes solitary?
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Old 07-21-13, 01:56 PM   #60
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
Clearly you're piecing together multiple conversations to make me look worse and misconstrue things. IF you'd read the whole post maybe you'd learn something or understand my points. You wanted a point. There's my point. Take it or leave it. You asked for it, I put it out there. You don't like it. Not my ****ing problem. End of story.

I don't understand assholes like you. You sit there and you badger, harass insult and accuse and when the person finally replies with something valid, you **** all over it. Please get a life.
Now who is being vulgar? ....
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