Re: bumpers for the bottom of the tank
i would say try a different brand (you mean the small rubber sticky sided round things, right?), but i would go to lowes as well. Maybe an officie supply store would have some?
edit: I dont see why you couldnt get some of those round felt things meant for when you move furniture; that way they would be unlikely to stick and fall of next time you move your tank.
0.1 Jungle Carpet "Bhageera", 2.0 Corn snakes "Castor & Pollux", 1.1 Cal Kings "Lux & Nyx", 0.1 Honduran Milksnake "Demeter", 0.1 Rosy boa "Neki-monster", 1.0 Axolotl "Grendle", 2 tarantulas, 0.1 Leopard gecko "Remus", and a freezer full of mice (and Rats!)….