Originally Posted by jarich
The climate control would be the only issue I think. Keeping that height humidified and heated (remember all your heat will rise to the top) will be difficult, though not impossible of course.
They will definitely use the climbing height though. There was a member here recently who posted pictures from Ghana of adult savs up in the trees, and Daniel Bennett said that he has seen them up there multiple times also. Whatever space you give them, they will use it!
I would plan to do it where it is insulated and in a climate controlled room.
If it is properly sealed with no leaks humidity shouldn't be a huge problem. Definitely harder than 4 feet tall but as you said, but definitely possible.
Also with vaulted ceilings the enclosure could be upwards of 8 feet high and be able to hold the lower part of a tree with branches, imagine having a section of a tree in the enclosure.