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Old 03-06-13, 12:57 PM   #1
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New addition - American Alligator

Just got this guy the other day. He was a rescue, the people that had him kept him in only a 20 gal. tank. He was a little underfed but overall fairly healthy considering.

It was kind of a all of a sudden thing so had to spend a weekend converting a building into a home for him. It's setup now to only give him so much room but I can move or remove the retaining wall as he grows to allow much more room. He will also have a outdoor pen area in the summer time. Most the things you see in the picture such as the pond and lamp setup was just temporary to get him started. He will be getting a much larger pond setup and more secure and appropriate basking area setup. Room temps stay right at about 85 F and he has varying temps all over the area so he should be nice and comfortable at all times. Water temps are nice and warm as well and he seems like a much happier guy with tons more energy than he had.

Plan to use him for educational presentations at schools and other venues so working on getting him used to being handled and around kids. My two boys was happy to help lol.

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Old 03-06-13, 01:02 PM   #2
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

I know they are intelligent, do you think there will come a time when you can trust him(her?) without the tape on it's snout?
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Old 03-06-13, 01:07 PM   #3
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Never around others, yes I have seen some that appear almost puppy dog tame. They are very trainable and remember routines and such but they are still very much a wild and instinctual animal. I have no issue handling or dealing with him with no tape and will rarely use it when its just me working with him unless I need it secured to free my hands up for medical care or something of the sort but I would never consider it when having him around kids and other people.
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Old 03-06-13, 01:27 PM   #4
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

how big will he eventually get?
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Old 03-06-13, 01:37 PM   #5
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Originally Posted by Donnie View Post
how big will he eventually get?
Well right now he is actually well below the size he should be due to the poor care from previous owner. He is about 4 years old and should be in the 5 ft range by now. Their growth rate can achieve around a foot a year in the first 7 years of life. A full grown male adult will likely fall in the 10-14ft range most being more around the 10 ft mark. Their life span ranges considerable to as high as 100+ years old but most fall into the 50-70 year range. So he will most likely be included in my will lol.
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Old 03-06-13, 01:41 PM   #6
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

wow I didn't know they lived that long, definitely got to be in it for the long haul with them and quite a size to. I am sure he will be a pleasure to look after
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Old 03-06-13, 01:53 PM   #7
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Oh a challenge for sure and likely a life long effort. At least your kids move out at some point this guy will be with us until either one of us is dead or I'am physically unable to care for him.

Sadly like this guys previous situation too many people decide to buy them but are not prepared for the time, money, and effort that is needed. Often there is not always someone like me that can and is prepared to take them in.
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Old 03-06-13, 02:02 PM   #8
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Awesome looking alligator! Glad you were able to get him out of that tiny little tank. Cant believe it would even fit in a 20 gallon.

Any thoughts on giving him some cage furniture though? Im guessing he is feeling pretty exposed in that big new enclosure right now, especially with no large body of water to escape into
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Old 03-06-13, 02:05 PM   #9
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Kudos on rescuing him! WE had an alligator a few years back that came from a similar situation. Chip was an awesome animal to keep and we got him healthy before moving him to a permanent home with a person that had gator experience and indoor/outdoor habitats for him.
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Old 03-06-13, 02:08 PM   #10
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

He didn't fit really, I have a picture of him in it couldn't turn around without climbing and flopping over. Couldn't get fully out of the water, was not a very good situation at all.

Yep enclosure furniture is on the list of soon to do items. He has the entire building to himself so he doesn't have anything to deal with other then when I go to check on him. I usually find him hanging out in the pond or relaxing on the ramp. At first he would run and hide behind the pond but he's getting used to me and will most often just sit there. With the larger pond I plan to put some foliage of sort in as well that will create him some security places.
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Old 03-07-13, 10:19 AM   #11
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Super jealous man. I would absolutely love to have the space for one of these guys someday. Setting up the enclosure for him has got to be so much fun too.
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Old 03-07-13, 11:13 AM   #12
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Nice gator! Do you think that he'll be able to reach normal size eventually?

I'm glad you rescued him! Like you said...too many people get these animals and either aren't prepared for their size or their temperament. I remember when I was growing up, a neighbor had one (I grew up in Louisiana). It was more like a freak show and they didn't treat him well. They eventually let the zoo have it.
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Old 03-08-13, 09:28 AM   #13
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Originally Posted by jarich View Post
Super jealous man. I would absolutely love to have the space for one of these guys someday. Setting up the enclosure for him has got to be so much fun too.
The space issue is really one of the hardest parts of owning one and the main reason most people that get them end up getting rid of them. Second would be the temperament and danger they present. Even at his size now the strength he has would amaze and catch a lot of people off guard.

Yeah the enclosure setup is fun, waiting for the warmer weather to come so the garden centers start carrying a good selection of plants to decorate with.

Originally Posted by Rogue628 View Post
Nice gator! Do you think that he'll be able to reach normal size eventually?

I'm glad you rescued him! Like you said...too many people get these animals and either aren't prepared for their size or their temperament. I remember when I was growing up, a neighbor had one (I grew up in Louisiana). It was more like a freak show and they didn't treat him well. They eventually let the zoo have it.
Thanks, yes I think he will reach average male adult size just fine. He's already ate a whole rat and then last night I put a couple gold fish in his pond and he has ate one of those already. Now that he has a good varied diet and proper water and ambient temps I think he will put on size quick. His energy level has already showed a drastic improvement.
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Old 03-13-13, 01:55 PM   #14
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Here is a quick video of him eating. So far he's put down 3 rats and a fish, going to try and get some more fish and crawfish worked into his diet as well as some chicken. Glad he's eating good, his energy levels are much better and he's a very happy gator now.

Going to start building him a large custom pond in there this month.

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Old 03-13-13, 02:54 PM   #15
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Re: New addition - American Alligator

Love it!! Great enclosure.

The only thing that stands between my DEC permit and my crocs is enclosure ideas.

I can't wait to see this guy grow!
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