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Old 02-26-03, 03:47 PM   #16
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hey Phantom

mines not scale rot I guess everyone is saying it looks more like a burn go check out my post in the General area and look at the pictures i took of the infected area...does it look like what your snakes got?

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Old 03-06-03, 08:11 PM   #17
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Two things to remember about antibiotics. First diferent kinds of bacterial infections need different antibiotics. Sometimes baytril will have no effect on an organism and something else is called for. Sometimes its the drug of choice. There are two ways to tell what antibiotic to use. The most common is trial and error. The best way is by having a culture and sensitivity done which will identify the organism and tests it to determine which drug will have an effect. The next thing to remember is that you need to know things about a drug before you use it. Many antibiotics are toxic to the kidneys if the animal is dehydrated. So proper hydration is critical. Baytril is a good one. It is rendered useless if given orally with calcium at the same time. So if you are treating with oral baytril and oral calcium give them several hours apart or you will not get any results.
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Old 03-20-03, 01:05 PM   #18
Jeff Hathaway
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For topical antibiotics, I would try to use Flammazine rather than Polysporin. Flammazine (silver sulfadiazene) is a presciption product, so you would need to get it from a vet, but it is more effective against the gram negative bacteria that are typically found in reptilian infections.

Corey, I agree with you about IM injections being much better than oral dosing, in most cases. I'm wondering why you hate Baytril though?

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Old 03-20-03, 05:39 PM   #19
Corey Woods
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I hate Baytril for a couple reasons:

1) The stuff is very painful to administer. Injectable Baytril burns when injected causing a lot of discomfort to the snake. If the snake flinches while being injected the needle will pop out which causes the outer layer of scales to died. When the outer scales are killed off by baytril they scar up and never heal properly.

2) I don't believe the stuff works very well.....if at all on Respiratory Infections. The animals that I've administered Baytril too I either stop injected them and cooked them to get the RI out or I switched over to a more effective drug.

3) Baytril is carcenogenic (sp???) which means it's not safe to use in the breeding season.

4) Baytril is injected every day which is very stressful for the snake.

Right now I highly recommed Fortaz (Ceftazidime) for RI, Mouth Rot, Skin Infections and any other bacterial infections. It is pain free when being injected (which comes in handy when you are giving some to a 70lb snake). It works extremely well cleaning infections up in 2-3 weeks (where as I've used Baytril at twice the recommended dosage for over 2 months without the snake getting noticably better). Fortaz is safe to use on breeding and gravid animals and is injected every 3 days which is less stressful for the animals.

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Old 03-21-03, 06:40 AM   #20
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Thanks everyone for your wonderful help! thanks to this sight and the great adivse I recived my snake is well on her way to a healthy life....

Thanks again,
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