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Old 01-20-13, 09:09 PM   #46
Varanus Queen
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Re: monitor bites ?

Every bad reaction to a bite that I've ever experienced or heard of (komodos not included), the monitor not only hung on for a while, but did a lot of chomping and chewing.
Originally Posted by A Whimsical Observer
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Old 01-21-13, 02:21 PM   #47
Gregg M
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Re: monitor bites ?

Originally Posted by Pirarucu View Post
Let me put it another way. As you have said, their venom delivery system is poor. Is it not possible that the bites that did nothing didn't get any venom in them, or just not enough venom to do serious damage? Perhaps the animal would have to chew on you for a bit before it would have an effect. For instance, a quick bite from a False Water Cobra won't do much, even if it does get its fangs in. If you let it chew for a bit though, you have a good chance of having quite a bad reaction.
I also would point out that bee venom is harmless to most people too, that does not mean it isn't dangerous for some people.
I am pretty sure that most people who have been bitten by a varanid can tell you that most bites are not short lived They usually grab and hold on for a while. A lot longer than you want them to be there, thats for sure. LOL.

I still have my doubts about these "serious" reactions due to venom in varanid bites. Honestly, a "very high fever" is not a symptom of a venomous bite.
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Old 01-21-13, 02:29 PM   #48
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Re: monitor bites ?

Sometimes when mine scratch my arm with their toenails, My arm swells up.

These lizards are far from sterile.

Some people react to "dirty" skin punctures more than others.

I would imagine a bite to be about just as "dirty" (bacteria)

My advice would be make sure your tetanus shots are up to date if you keep monitors.
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