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Old 12-31-12, 11:22 AM   #1
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Burmese Python always trying to get out?

I have a 8 month old Burmese Python...

He is always trying to get out of his vivarium, he has done this for a while, he is eating fine and is handled very regularly.

Does anyone know why he may be doing this? He is forever going up the side of the glass. I handle him a lot, but from the second he is back in the viv, he is trying to get back out.

There is a female corn snake in the vivarium below him. But the Corn isnt bothered at all. So I'm assuming this may be a reason?? However, as he eats perfectly I dont think its stress.

Can anyone tell me why this may be happening?
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Old 12-31-12, 12:08 PM   #2
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

What does your enclosure look like? If you do not have hides that he is comfortable with, often times the snake will continually search for somewhere it feels safer.
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Old 12-31-12, 12:39 PM   #3
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

Ive seen it happen to a king snake once and it turned out it was too hot in the set up. Are your temps correct? If the hides arnt the problem maybe check your temps.
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Old 12-31-12, 01:10 PM   #4
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

Also be sure to check your temps. if it is too warm in there he may be trying to cool off. What type of gauges are you using to measure temp and humidity? If it is the round ones you stick on the side they have been known to be off in their readings. A infrared temp gun is the best most reliable method.
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Old 12-31-12, 01:10 PM   #5
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

If the hides arnt the problem maybe check your temps.

Sorry I didn't see this until after I posted
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Old 12-31-12, 01:18 PM   #6
slainte mhath
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

i have carpets that do it during breeding season...

looking for mates

that said 8 month old may be a little young for this behavoir..

you would need to ask a burm keeper at what age a male is sexually mature

with carpets its around 18 months old

cheers shaun

p.s.earlier in the thread someone asked about hides,this may well be the problem,that your burm's looking for some where he feels secure
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Old 12-31-12, 02:41 PM   #7
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

Don't want you to be worried but have you heard of IBD is he looking up a lot might be early stages if so you might want to quarantine him for a few months so you other snakes are safe.
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Old 12-31-12, 03:55 PM   #8
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

Originally Posted by Mark Taylor View Post
Don't want you to be worried but have you heard of IBD is he looking up a lot might be early stages if so you might want to quarantine him for a few months so you other snakes are safe.
honestly i feel like IBD is over guessed. I know its legit but its like every time a snake acts weird its automatically IBD that everyone jumps to
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Old 12-31-12, 04:08 PM   #9
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

Originally Posted by Mark Taylor View Post
Don't want you to be worried but have you heard of IBD is he looking up a lot might be early stages if so you might want to quarantine him for a few months so you other snakes are safe.
What made you think ibd was even possible?
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Old 12-31-12, 04:25 PM   #10
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

I may have jumped the gun so to speak. I do my research the same everyone else, it just so happens that I recently read about it and thought it might be of interest to him to see if maybe that wasn't the only sign that something was wrong.

The part were he said its always going up the side of the glass (looking up)

His snake may be completely fine and just likes to explore but he raised the question in concern I believe.
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Old 12-31-12, 04:48 PM   #11
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

Originally Posted by Mark Taylor View Post
Don't want you to be worried but have you heard of IBD is he looking up a lot might be early stages if so you might want to quarantine him for a few months so you other snakes are safe.
From what I've researched if a python/boa has IBD they're going to be messed up to where they can barely do anything. I would just adjust my temps and see if that settles him down. With my king I had my room temps too high and she would never be in her hide until I lowered the temps then she started to relax.

^ to your post above, stargazing doesn't mean IBD. When you start to see head twisting is when you should be worried.

Inclusion Body Disease
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Old 12-31-12, 06:40 PM   #12
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

Don't take my word for it, but snakes are pretty dumb. They might not think there's glass in their way on their "Journey to freedom" (escaping by pushing glass). All my snakes that I've owned have done it before, I don't know what kind of caging you have, but if they're trying to escape via screen top, then that can be a problem.
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Old 12-31-12, 06:44 PM   #13
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

Originally Posted by Mark Taylor View Post
I may have jumped the gun so to speak. I do my research the same everyone else, it just so happens that I recently read about it and thought it might be of interest to him to see if maybe that wasn't the only sign that something was wrong.

The part were he said its always going up the side of the glass (looking up)

His snake may be completely fine and just likes to explore but he raised the question in concern I believe.
There's a difference between "looking up" and climbing the glass. Suggesting IBD because the snake is climbing up the glass is like telling someone they might have cancer because they keep sneezing.

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Old 12-31-12, 06:59 PM   #14
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

Originally Posted by Squirtle View Post
Don't take my word for it, but snakes are pretty dumb. They might not think there's glass in their way on their "Journey to freedom" (escaping by pushing glass). All my snakes that I've owned have done it before, I don't know what kind of caging you have, but if they're trying to escape via screen top, then that can be a problem.
Pretty sure Athena is a bit touched in the head because she puts her face against glass and resembles a snake version of this, like that is somehow going to magically set her free.
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Old 12-31-12, 08:10 PM   #15
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Re: Burmese Python always trying to get out?

If a snake is continually trying to escape its cage, it means something is wrong with its cage. Temps could be too high or too low, humidity could be wrong, the snake might not feel secure enough, the snake might not have enough space, or of course it might have decided that it is time to find food or a mate.

Also, eating is not necessarily a sign that there is no stress. Burms eat, that's what they do. LOL they will eat no matter what..
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