Originally Posted by lumpbump
Why do you have a DSM 4? I have one too  . Paradise lost by milton is good if you can understand it. Its terribly old. If you haven't read the full divine comedy you should. 
I'm a huge psych nerd. I wanted to be a psych major, but, alas, I hate people, so I went with biology instead. I look forward to getting the fifth edition when it comes out, which will be soon.

I have Paradise Lost, though I haven't read it. I really want to read the rest of the Divine Comedy, but The Inferno is all I have right now - and, admittedly, the whole nine circles of Hell thing has always really intrigued me.
Another one of my favourite books was a
huge (I think about 900 pages) book of Romantic era poetry. Somehow I managed to lose it though. -____-