Originally Posted by infernalis
For my really cranky "I kill you" snakes, I give them a rodent to chew on while I move them to a poly tote for spot cleaning and water changes.
I won't even reach into my black racer cage unless he's got food in his mouth first.
Oh, I hear ya. This king is the only one that has truly tried to constrict me. At first you wonder what a king snake can do, and then you're unpleasantly surprised.
But be that as it may, we have formed some form of truce. Simply reaching in is still not a good idea. After a few minutes of seeing me he starts to move, turn away from me, and I can gently pick him up with two hands.
He is getting big, too. He's now on small to medium-sized rats. Twice a week, or he will get cranky.
The only "I will kill you" snake I held was a King Rat Snake. It was pure evil.