Originally Posted by Jenn87
No not really tbh.. I think they are beautiful animals. Most of all the purebreds. Thb I don't get hybrids. To me if it happens in the wild then there nothing wrong with it. But for breeding snakes for different colors an patterns. I think it is wrong. Because what happens when there aren't anymore purbreds anymore? Come slowly killing of the snakes that you once love for colors and patterns. When do you say enough? After the sepices has died off?
Most of the snakes bred for patterns, colors, etc. as you say, would never have been bred in the first place without these genes showing in one way or another.
If you think about it, all thats happening is more snakes are being made rather than "real" ones being phased out. In fact, may more "purebred" snakes have to be bred in order to get the rarer forms.
In other news, dont ever own a dog then 100% of them are bred for certain traits, whether behavioral, looks, etc.
Anyway, back to snakes - These morphs are nothing bad thrown into the gene pool - the majority of them are the equivalent of an Asian human having a child with a Black human resulting in an asian-black human hybrid. Does that make them any less human or inferior in any way?
That said, nobody is cross-breeding (well some may have tried) any species of snakes. The only thing that is happening is mixing color differences within snake "breeds" so to speak. Like mixing a chocolate lab and a black lab breed and you get a Lab with a mix of those colors, still considered "pure breds" in some circles.