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Old 07-28-12, 01:42 PM   #1
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Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

Good read backed up by scientific studies that are cited at the bottom.
Colored Lights | Reptile Apartment
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Old 07-28-12, 01:52 PM   #2
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

I always thought this, but never officially read it anywhere. very interesting.
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Old 08-07-12, 05:22 PM   #3
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.


Interesting read! Based on this I'd like to try switching to a CHE bulb from the infra red that i currently use, although I have a dome placed ontop of the mesh...would a CHE be ok in this fitting or would I need a new option?

Thanks in advance

Brian D

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Old 08-07-12, 05:34 PM   #4
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

CHE's need a full ceramic socket to screw into, never used one with a dome tho so cant comment on that bit
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Old 08-07-12, 05:35 PM   #5
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

I have a CHE in a large dome for my BTS and it is working great. It is sitting on top of Wire mesh that my BTS can't get near and it is on a thermostat. I have had it that way for a few months now with no issues yet.
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Old 08-07-12, 06:17 PM   #6
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

That was an amazing read. WOW...

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Old 08-07-12, 06:52 PM   #7
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

Indeed. I found this a couple weeks ago.

One can find the large dome fixtures with ceramic sockets at Walmart, Lowe's & Home Depot.
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Old 08-07-12, 07:13 PM   #8
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

Originally Posted by StudentoReptile View Post
Indeed. I found this a couple weeks ago.

One can find the large dome fixtures with ceramic sockets at Walmart, Lowe's & Home Depot.
Yes, I found it cheaper to buy the fixtures at wal mart and take off the dome when I wired my Sav cage.

Hard to find a ceramic socket, pre-wired with a heavy duty cord for $10 any other way.
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Old 08-07-12, 09:08 PM   #9
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

i've NEVER been a fan of coloured lights at night,or any light at night for that matter

i'm away to read your links mate

thanks for sharing

cheers shaun
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Old 08-08-12, 08:07 AM   #10
red ink
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.


read the article as well as

Nocturnal colour vision in geckos Lina S. V. Roth and Almut Kelber The Royal Society Biology Letters

The studies topped out at 550nm (green) - Most nocturnal bulbs are Red 650nm.
Cone receptors measure luminosity - as they have not tested under "red", no indication that geckos see red? No mention of what lumens the light sources where?

They measured swatches (coloured swatches) - no mention on how those swatches were illuminated, wether full spectrum illumination or not?

What I can surmise from it is geckos can see blue - Reflected blue as the swatch was blue V grey in the experiment.

No indication they see the Blue spectrum rather reflectance of a blue surface from an unknown spectrum (not provided in the paper) of illuminance?

Leaves me a bit unconvinced... in saying that I do not use any night time light source to begin with in my enclosure - but I do view my geckos at night under a low luminosity red LED - I have not found any disturbance in their behaviour.
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Old 08-08-12, 08:09 AM   #11
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

For my redtail I have him currently in a 30 gallon cage and it works ok but I use a CHE. For the Burm and Retic they are in normal cages with Radient Heat Panels. Back in the day and being a snake newbie I used a blue or red light for the first few months but then I went right to CHE and wont use anything else
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Old 08-08-12, 08:20 AM   #12
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

Great read. I learned something new today. Thank for sharing!
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Old 08-08-12, 08:28 AM   #13
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

Interesting read, thank you for sharing.
Thanks - Jason
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Old 08-08-12, 08:46 AM   #14
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

wow. I never knew that. Thankfully I've never used those coloured lights on my reptiles.
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Old 08-08-12, 09:18 AM   #15
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Re: Why you shouldn't use colored lights for night heat.

I stopped using colored lights for my beardie after having it for a few months. I use CHEs for extra heat now

Great article
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