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Old 02-29-12, 10:42 AM   #76
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Re: getting a corn soon

Yea but the opal looks so pretty and the avalanche looks cool when there full grown and the coral snow looks cool all around so idk and a bloodred just pure red when they get older so I don't know
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Old 02-29-12, 11:00 AM   #77
mamma bear
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Re: getting a corn soon

You know, the opals DO look cool, there ARE coral snopals (kind of a cross between an opal and a coral snow) but they are very rare. And until my powerhouse het pair are grown, I have no clue where to get them. (my powerhouse line I am working on will have a 2% chance of producing coral snowpals)
RIP Poitash
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Old 02-29-12, 11:10 AM   #78
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Re: getting a corn soon

2 percent isn't a lot lol but I still got a week or so to decide I think I may get one of eachand that will solve my delema
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Old 02-29-12, 02:26 PM   #79
mamma bear
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Re: getting a corn soon

no 2% is not alot, but out of as many clutches of eggs they would produce in thier breeding life-span, I would be bound to get a couple, which of course I would keep a breeding pair from if I did.
RIP Poitash
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Old 02-29-12, 02:32 PM   #80
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Re: getting a corn soon

But it would take a few years even if you get a breeding pair to breed them
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Old 02-29-12, 03:13 PM   #81
mamma bear
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Re: getting a corn soon

yes it will. I am willing to put the time in to get what I want. You can't find some of these anywhere (at least here in Canada) and because I am aquaintances with all the LOCAL BC breeders, I know what thier projects are and know they are not doing anything like what I am. So I will have unique corns once I do get it. And you have to remember that out of that "powerhouse" pair, I will get a large % of snows, coral snows, pearls, avalanche, ect.... there are 32 possible morphs to come out of the pairing, even the normals will be stripes!! I`ll also get every type of Lavendar you can think of, amels, aneries (all stripe) and then small %`s of things like coral snowpals, coral snow lavendars, snopal stripes, Hypo Opal stripe and Ghost lavendar stripes.
RIP Poitash
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Old 02-29-12, 03:19 PM   #82
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Re: getting a corn soon

Wow so you got a lot morphs to look forward to
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Old 02-29-12, 03:44 PM   #83
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Re: getting a corn soon

Wow, I'm jealous lol!
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
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Old 02-29-12, 03:52 PM   #84
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Re: getting a corn soon

Not to mention make some good cash
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Old 02-29-12, 04:00 PM   #85
mamma bear
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Re: getting a corn soon

ya it`s amazing what you can figure out for pairings on the corn calculator. At first I simply wanted to come up with Orchids and coral snows, that was the plan. But as I played with the corn calc I found that if I got a Hypo-Lavendar Stripe male instead of just a a Hypo-male, and got a stripe snow for my second female (first is a normal snow female) then all of a sudden I went from 5 morph possibilities to 32!! It`s crazy!!!

The really rare snakes, I will keep a breeding pair from the powerhouse pair. The higher % ones I will just keep breeding the original powerhouse pair for those ones. That way I don`t have to have a 2 adult snakes for every morph I breed.
RIP Poitash
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Old 02-29-12, 04:04 PM   #86
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Re: getting a corn soon

Breeding would be nice I just don't got time to do it
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Old 02-29-12, 05:00 PM   #87
mamma bear
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Re: getting a corn soon

well I am the stay at home mom of a pre-school aged, special needs son. So work is not in my immediate future, at least not until I KNOW he is settled into the school system next year, without my being called in to calm him or take him home. THEN, I`ll go back to work, if he doesn`t settle into the school system, I will have to stay at home and `home school`him.
RIP Poitash
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Old 02-29-12, 05:17 PM   #88
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Re: getting a corn soon

I have a pair that I will breed this year and their babies will let me produce citrine stripes, coral snow stripes, xanthic snow stripes, anery caramel hypo stripes and several other things. I have a 9.375% chance of producing the first 2 and a 3.125% for the last 2 and that's only if I hit the caramel gene (there's only a 50% chance that they will het for it)
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
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Old 02-29-12, 05:26 PM   #89
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Re: getting a corn soon

Ill strick with buying snakes for now from breeders since I got spare money atleast for now my clients are droping and no one needs a PI trhese days lol
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Old 03-01-12, 11:03 AM   #90
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Re: getting a corn soon

Ok so update one of my dads buddy is moveing and he has a 6 year old corn and I'm getting him on Friday here's a pic of him its the camera from my phone but any one know what kind of morph it is.
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