Hi there, I know there is lots of info on building your own terrarium on here and I have read through a lot of articles that help but I think I need a bit more specific info for what I am looking for. I hope no one minds if this seams repetitive :S
My bp is in a 20gl Zilla terrarium. 30" long, 12" wide, 12" tall. Screen top
I use a under tank heat mat on one side and ceramic dome lights for day and night correct temperatures. I live in Canada so its a tad chillier here.. especially in the winter, so I have to use a fairly high wattage bulb. As you can imagine keeping humidity in is difficult and requires diligent misting.
This has all been doable but as she is growing I am looking into an upgrade

My father who is retired (and clearly bored because he only barely tolerates snakes) has offered to help me build one for Kahlil. Instead of simply buying a bigger version of what i have and having the same problems.
So here are a few of my questions...
Would wood be more suitable on three sides to keep heat and humidity in?
For the top of the enclosure.. If I use wood for that too, how do I heat my tank? I want to avoid a screen top, as that's where I lose most my humidity
same for the bottom. If I use glass I can use the same heat mat I have now. But how do I have belly heat if I have a wood bottom?
Sorry if these are silly questions haha but I really want to cover all my bases before building!
Thanks everyone in advance