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Old 11-30-11, 12:22 PM   #76
Village Idiot
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Join Date: Oct-2011
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Re: Great Animal Escapes- get on TV!!

What do you mean Wayne???? I thought you just went out to the back 40 and opened up on everything that moved with your ak-47?

In all honesty the biggest disconnect is the fact that some of us have a different belief system than the op. I don't think the op is necessarily wrong about how they view the world because that is what they were taught. I was taught differently about somethings than they were. I have to disagree with some of their philosophy but I can still see it because my best friend was born and raised in Chicago and I spent my childhood in LA. I do remember what it was like when I moved to IL it was a big culture shock. Especially when a farmer I was working for started banding cattle. I found that very disturbing.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.
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