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Old 11-14-11, 11:55 AM   #31
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

Curious to know how this little guy is doing

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Old 11-14-11, 12:47 PM   #32
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

Hey Lady-bug,
Things have not gotten any better. The rosy boa is still displaying all the same neurological symptoms, and is still refusing to eat. I will be taking her to the vet (again!) for another check up, and to determine if it might be better to euthanise. I e-mailed the breeder 2 weeks ago with scanned copies of the vet records and he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I e-mailed him again today kindly reminding him to stay in touch, updating him on the status of the snake, asking for a refund (again, since he's avoiding the topic), and letting him know that if he doesn't want to settle this one-on-one I will be filing a small claims court case. We'll see what happens. I told him I'd give him a week to get back to me and that I'd let him know what comes out of the vet visit this week. I'll update here when I know anything else. Thanks for asking though!
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Old 11-14-11, 12:51 PM   #33
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

Good luck on this Alessia. I hope the breeder pulls his head out of his butt and makes things right. I also hope the snake starts doing better soon
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Old 11-14-11, 12:59 PM   #34
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

to be honest i think it would be best euthinised pal

cheers shaun
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Old 11-14-11, 01:56 PM   #35
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

Originally Posted by shaunyboy View Post
to be honest i think it would be best euthinised pal

cheers shaun
this is what I'm thinking, hate to say it Alessia.
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Old 11-14-11, 02:00 PM   #36
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

I know... It's a hard choice, but I will do what is best for the snake. I'll be talking it over with the vet later today or tomorrow.
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Old 11-14-11, 03:20 PM   #37
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

I am inclined to agree unfortunately it may be what best for the animal
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Old 11-17-11, 06:45 PM   #38
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

Update November 17, 2011

I spoke to the vet and tomorrow at 11:45am I have an appointment for the rosy boa to be euthanized. Despite all of our attempts to rehabilitate her or make her quality of life better, she has only gotten worse. It has been horrible to watch this snake deteriorate. She continues to star-gaze, coil upside down, and two days ago she had what I think was a seizure. I have occasionally found her completely upside down (which as you ca imagine, has totally scared me). She has refused to eat anything, and the few defensive strikes she has given me over the course of time have been total off (ie: my had would be in front of her but she would strike in the opposite direction).

Tomorrow's going to be a hard day. I've never had to put any of my animals down before... Even though I'm not attached to her emotionally or anything, I'm still angry that this "breeder" gave her to me in such poor conditions, and that he refuses to take any responsibility. I will be filing a case in small claims court after all is done. Tomorrow the vet and I will discuss whether or not it is necessary to do post-mortem tests.

Thanks for all the support ya'll have given me through all this
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Old 11-17-11, 06:51 PM   #39
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

Aw that is too bad but I believe it is for the best she's a sick little lady. And whether you have emotions invested or not watching an animal suffer is gut wrenching. You did your best it was an amazing effort and I hope you grill the son of a bitch who sold her in that condition
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Old 11-17-11, 06:59 PM   #40
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

What she said ^^^^^^^^^^^^
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Old 11-17-11, 07:28 PM   #41
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

What they said ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Sage Riddle Finch
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Old 11-17-11, 10:36 PM   #42
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

I am so sorry! But you are doing what's best for the snake,and even though it is a truly heartbreaking decision, just remember, you did everything you could for that animal, and you gave it a loving home for it, for the remaining time it has had left on this earth.

I hope you nail the breeder to the wall for selling such a beautiful snake, in such a deplorable condition
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Old 11-17-11, 10:43 PM   #43
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

Kick him in the stones while your at it!!!!
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.
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Old 11-17-11, 11:38 PM   #44
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

I'm really sorry, you did do your best, and you can't blame yourself. I would do the post-mortem, it will give you more ammo for small claims court, and you'll be able to spread the word that this "breeder" has snakes in that condition if it turns out to be a disease.
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Old 11-18-11, 12:27 PM   #45
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Re: Sick Rosy Boa

Update November 18, 2011

I took the rosy boa to the vet this morning and she was euthanized. Since Wednesday she had been having seizures, and when I took her to the vet this morning her eyes were going in different directions. The vet and I both agreed that euthanasia would be the best course of action for the snake.

I continue to be in touch with the breeder, who has refused to refund me, claims I'm "lying", claims he hasn't gotten all my e-mails, and who continues to deny responsibility. I have already let him know that I will be filing a claim at small claims court. He continues to insist I "give her back".

You can follow my story from here on at my BOI thread on Fauna Classifieds.

Thanks again everyone for all your support. Watching this poor snake deteriorate in front of me, and having to finally euthanize her has been horrible and heart-breaking.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anatole France

Last edited by alessia55; 11-18-11 at 12:56 PM..
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