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Old 10-03-11, 09:07 PM   #31
Formerly Lil_Boa
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

Gungirl... could you take more pics on how you got your front on? i want to have my front folding down(like yours) and was wondering how you went about doing it?
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Old 10-04-11, 05:51 AM   #32
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

I will take pics as soon as I get home today.. Its really easy and a life saver when its time to clean the viv.

I used a piano hinge to hold the door on... it looks like this
1-1/2 x 48 in. Continuous Hinge Bright Brass Finish-15371 at The Home Depot
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Old 10-04-11, 06:44 AM   #33
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

Ok So here are some of the pics...
If you look at the bottom of the viv about 2" up you can see the back of the hinge

here is the inside of the door where the hinge attaches the 2 pieces

And here is another view..

To secure it at the top I have a lock on each side.. These will be upgraded soon. I feel as if they are to small for when Spot gets bigger..inbetween the 2 locks I have a piece of wood on the backside so that the door will shut flush but can not be pushed in to far..

I hope this helps!
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Old 10-04-11, 08:07 PM   #34
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

This did help alot, i will use what i did with my beardie for now, but for the snakes i will be using this... thank sooooo much!!!

where do you get that big piece of glass?
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Old 10-04-11, 08:08 PM   #35
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

Your welcome Im glad I could help!
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Old 10-04-11, 09:13 PM   #36
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

what is Spot?
be careful of that water bowl, I had one and found the bottom likes to collapse on itself, and the replacement at the store did the same.
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Old 10-04-11, 09:33 PM   #37
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

Originally Posted by millertime89 View Post
what is Spot?
be careful of that water bowl, I had one and found the bottom likes to collapse on itself, and the replacement at the store did the same.

Spot is my ball python.

I saw your thread about the bowls a while back and checked mine. The bottom of the water bowl is about 3/4" thick and solid. Thanks for the heads up though.
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Old 10-05-11, 11:51 AM   #38
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

good deal, I was quite disappointed, I liked that bowl.
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Old 10-29-11, 09:34 AM   #39
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

Hey Kat,
Im just in the process of mounting/setting up my pvc enclosure. I have the pro-products RHP attached to the top, but after the whole installation process, I am skeptical at how I will be doing my full cleanings, every two months.

Is the RHP water proof? If I install those white rubber stoppers (where the screws go in to fasten the RHP), then it would mean the RHP is staying there permanently. Do you use a spray bottle with a cleaning solution and just spray all the parts of the tank that need cleaning then rub it down? How would you rinse it out without touching the RHP with water? Thanks I'll post some pics up soon
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Old 10-29-11, 02:29 PM   #40
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

I do a complete wipe out every 6 months. I just take some bleach and water on a rag and lightly wipe out the entire viv. I make sure all heat sources are off and cool before I start. After I am done I wipe it all out with just water on a cloth. I then let it air dry for a few hours and turn back on all heat. Then allow another few hours and check to see if I can smell any bleach. If I can I wipe it all out again. Other wise It is done and my snake goes back home once it reaches perfect temps.
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Old 10-29-11, 02:44 PM   #41
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

So Me and the hubby have been slacking off on getting the second viv finished. We are trying to sell our house and Travis is working over time right now. We( well he ) did get some more done. We changed this one a little from the other one. We opted to do no flexwatt and go just with the RHP and also did a double door instead of a single. We also added in some rope lights just cause.

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Old 10-29-11, 04:21 PM   #42
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

I really love the way your vivs look, I'm debating if I want to do PVC plastic or wood when I start building them.
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Old 12-06-11, 07:54 AM   #43
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

Ok so in a few I will be putting up some more pics.. Our 3rd viv is getting started. We are doing this one for our GTP it's his larger permanent home. I am getting him out of quarantine right before x-mas so I started bugging the hubby for a new viv. We don't have much spare time to work on it at all but I am hopeful that next weekend we can have it finished. It is 3ft tall x 3ft wide x 2ft deep. It is going to have 2 doors on the front one door will be the top 2/3 of the enclosure the other will be a smaller door just at the bottom 1/3, so that for water changes and basic spot cleaning I won't have to bother Blitz ( he is cranky as all Cant wait for it to be done then we only have 1 more to build!
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Old 12-06-11, 08:05 AM   #44
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

Ok so this is just the basic box.. Boring pics.. lol more to come later on..

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Old 12-06-11, 08:41 AM   #45
slainte mhath
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Re: Building another 1, thought I would share

quite the production line you got going on there mate

all looking good

cheers shaun
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