Originally Posted by Lankyrob
Greg, i think it is a step, folded up, like a mini two step sepladder thingy.
they're called shauns extra legs rob (me being a short a**e)
we all can't be giants mate
you all have some really nice snake rooms folk's
i'm like wayne and have any spare space in the house full of tanks
like you rob i spend a lot of time in one room that being my bedroom the viv's are all 2 and half feet away from the bottom of my bed
the diamond tanks are all stacked and in my line of sight when i lye in bed so i keep the best view for myself
my wife has the black and white diamond jungle she claimed in her line of sight (2 jags as well)
not bad considering she did not like bieng in the same room as snakes when i first started herping (she even helps me give med's to the adult carpets )
cheers shaun