Okanagan Reptile buy/sell/trade day Sat jan 18th in Oliver, BC :grab: We would love to see all that can make it, attend this first ever event,for the south Okanagan area of BC! We have vendors coming from out of the area - we do have more vendor tables available, reserve NOW, running out of time! Vendors that are reserved in advance will be printed into a leaflet and handed out to those in attendance, so your buyers can remember who you are!!!! Accepting vendors with caged animals, all reptiles and amphibians (all properly housed for their species!!! ), feeds and feeders, as well as pet/reptile products.... contact me asap with your interest!!! Nothing to sell/trade ? Feel free to attend and shop!!! NO ADMITTANCE FEE AT THE DOOR, PUBLIC IS WELCOME AT NO CHARGE! You can't beat that...at any show!!! Coverage by cable TV and local newspapers is expected!