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Old 12-13-05, 04:34 PM   #1
king nick
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size change in 3 months *PICs*

I picked up this guy at the sept. 11 PCPC expo and when I brought him home one of the 1st things i did was take some pics of him beside a pop can for a size reference down the road........thought It would take longer then 3 months to notice a big difference. sept 11 he was 12-13 inches and now he is just past 20.

sept 11

dec 13

thanks for looking
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Old 12-13-05, 09:36 PM   #2
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Hatchling ackie growth.

36 hours old..

13 days old.

7.5 weeks old.
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Old 12-30-05, 12:27 PM   #3
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Great pics guys...Keep em' coming
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Old 12-31-05, 01:12 AM   #4
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Almost 2.5 months old, these 2 are growing so fast.

One is 5.5 inches STV and 11.5 inches long, the other with a complete tail is 5 inches STV with a total length of 12 inches long.

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Old 12-31-05, 01:28 AM   #5
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wow awsome pics.

in the last one hes either sitting really funny or has a sever case of mbd.

great pics
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- Boomhauer
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Old 12-31-05, 11:48 AM   #6
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Its amazing, too many people try to diagnose something that isnt there.

For whatever reason. Heres another picture, same animal, same hand, before he tried to walk away,lol. Theres nothing wrong with this animal, his back is bent because he is sitting that way. There are 2 forms of MBD, 1 shows as soft bones or in severe cases after long terms shows as multiple bends (look like its folded)and twists in the backbone, legs, etc.
This animal is not even 2.5 months old yet, MBD would manifest itself in a fast growing baby or young animal as shaking or quaking in the limbs (uncontrollable, shaking, looks like a strong fan is blowing over them while they are laying still), this happens when a young growing reptile cannot get enough calcium to keep up with its growth and its body pulls calcium from their backbone (sounds nasty huh?) causing it to collapse on the spinal cord, yes they dont live very long when this happenes.
No, what you see here is a young active animal that wont sit still, if fact I just reach in the cage and he runs right up my arm and then needs to be stopped before he runs down my back, lol.
I could show you a picture of a monitor that has a folded backbone, he was hatched this way, eventually he outgrew limits imposed by his deformed backbone then eventually died, it was almost folded in half, by no means MBD or a calcium deficiancy, in fact this was an animal that the breeder had trouble getting to eat consistantly but with some work this animal grew from a 2 yr old 2ft long 2lb male, into a 4ft long 10lb male in one years time.
Look at the hybrid albig on the lower half of the picture, notice by the shoulders there is a 90 degree fold in the backbone.
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