uro pics!!
just a few pics, havent posted in a while.....
my lil yellow nigerian...
my mali...
both of them together...
and there cage...
thanks for looking,
0.0.1 Mali uromastyx , 0.0.1 Nigerian uromastyx , 2.3.0 Leopard geckos 0.0.1 savannah monitor 0.2 African clawed frogs , 0.0.1 pac man frog, 0.0.1 tomato frog , 0.0.1 whites tree frog , 0.0.2 Corn snakes , 1.1.0 Hog Island boa, 2.0.1amazon tree boas
Last edited by king nick; 08-17-05 at 10:05 AM..