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Old 12-05-02, 10:54 PM   #1
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a quick constipation question

Hello everyone!

I bought my first boa about five weeks ago, have fed it four times now, and it hasn't pooped yet. I've read and heard that boas are infrequent poopers, so I haven't been too worried, but I'm starting to worry now. And comments?

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Old 12-06-02, 07:56 AM   #2
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Its possible that your snake is a little constipated, but really it depends on alot of factors. Yes, boas tend to be _relatively_ infrequent poopers, but it can depend on the size and frequency of feeding as well.

Do you notice any swelling down towards the snakes vent area?

A couple of things you can do to coax your snake to go potty if he needs to are:

give him a soak/bath in tepid/luke warm water. (Remember, NOT warm water - warm to the human touch is going to be 90+ degrees and your snakes basking spot should only be 88 degrees or so. Any higher can be detrimental to the snake.)

Let him move around a bit in the water - exercise is a big key to regularity.

You can _gently_ massage the area down towards his vent to help coax things along as well.

Make sure your humidity is correct in your animals cage. Too low humidity (in addition to too little exercise) can be a contributing factor to constipation in snakes.

Also, if you do see that his lower body is swollen, you may wanna hold off on feeding him. If poops not going out, then things are eventually going to get backed up in his digestive system and cause problems with being able to process the new food your putting in. If he's healthy it won't hurt him to go a week or 2 without eating.

Good luck,
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Old 12-06-02, 09:23 AM   #3
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thanks heather. I woke up this morning and guess what I found waiting for me in the water bowl? yep -- poo. hooray!

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Old 12-06-02, 09:26 AM   #4
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Thanks for the info, I've been going through the same thing with my new boa. She's been eating great but still no poop, I wasn't too worried yet but starting to wonder. My BP is the same way, she only goes once a month while eating every week. I figured it would be about the same for my boa. Since she is getting ready to shed, a nice bath wont hurt her.
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Old 12-06-02, 09:26 AM   #5
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Hehehe, good deal. Guess he took the "soak" advice himself.
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