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Old 03-08-05, 09:33 AM   #1
Manitoban Herps
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A question for you tokay keepers...

Have any of you noticed that the tokays never semm to climb or bask on branches you put in the cage? Mine never do, they always climb the walls
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Old 03-08-05, 10:29 AM   #2
Double J
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Re: A question for you tokay keepers...

Originally posted by Manitoban Herps
Have any of you noticed that the tokays never semm to climb or bask on branches you put in the cage? Mine never do, they always climb the walls
I think it depends on the thickness of the branches that you use. I don't really use branches... I use slabs of corkbark of various sizes and thicknesses. They seem to use these regularly, but love to climb on the foam background of the exo-terra tank. From all of the footage that I have seen of tokays in the wild, they always seem to be crawling on tree trunks and thick branches rahterh than slim branches further out in the trees.

Double J
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Old 03-08-05, 10:31 AM   #3
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Branches and things have to be very securely fastened, they don't like to climb on shaky things. It also takes some time for them to adjust and gain confidence in new surroundings.

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Old 03-08-05, 11:17 AM   #4
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I definitely have this exact same problem. I have put plants, large branches, small branches, small and large vines, and they seem to always prefer the glass walls behind cork bark. I have never seen the male on the trees, however I have managed to catch the female every now and then.

To add, they have been in this particular enclosure for upwards of a year now. I had always assumed it was because they have the best grip on flat surfaces.
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Old 03-08-05, 02:57 PM   #5
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I think they like wider things that they can escape very quickly on, if its small/narrow they don't really use it. Bark pieces are best bet I think, anything that provides a wide vertical surface would do, just make sure its secured well, they like to move quicly, and could knock it over ect.

I have a larger branch piece in my tank, and they never use it as far as I have seen, but they love the root-like base of my large bonsai hide and the styrofoam backing.
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