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Old 02-23-05, 11:19 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2005
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Question Need Help Figuring What Ill Need

i am getting to understand why ppl have so many reptiles.....they are so addicting

so with alot of thought and reading i am thinking of getting a mali/ornate uromastyx and 1 or 2 tokay geckos

so im starting to build tanks for them and wondering if
for tokays L 19 1/2 inchesx W 16 1/2 inchesx 18 1/2 inches would be big enuff for 2 tokays?

and do they just need a heatlight white for day and red for nite to provide enuff heat? or do they need a UTH for additional heat?

for mali/ornate is L 37.5 inchesx W 15 inchesx H 18.5 inches....large enuff?

and they need a UV light and basking light with a UTH?

just making sure i got it all correct

and if anyone can give me some good brand names of lights or the lights or UTH u find best plz lemme know

ty =)
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Old 02-23-05, 11:21 PM   #2
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I've moved your thread to the appropriate forum
Heather Rose
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Old 02-24-05, 08:15 PM   #3
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Well for the Tokays I have mine in a 18"x18"x24" exo-terra glass door terrarium, I have 2 Tokays and I thinks its just large enough for them. The 19.5x16.5x18.5 would most likely be ok for 2 Tokays, but keep in mind, Tokays are aboreal, they require hight in their tanks so you may want to get a taller tank. I myself would like to get a terrarium thats 48x18x36 with some hinged front doors, and get maybe 4 or 5 Tokays, but thats alot of $$ LOL

As for heating pads I would get one. My Tokays actually like the heatpad strangely enough (even tho the tanks 88-75°F during day and 80-75°F at night) they spend most the day in it and then come out at night. I use exo-terra heating pads myself.

As for lights I use an ESU 20" Reptile Bi-Light 2 Ballast wit ha EXO-TERRA Reptile Bulbs Day-Glo Daylight PT-2110 (A-19/60w) and EXO-TERRA Reptile Bulbs Night-Glo Moonlight PT-2126 (A-19/50w). You can use any type of ballasts tho and just check the temps to see if the bulbs are too hot/cool. Trial and error I guess!!
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Old 02-24-05, 08:16 PM   #4
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Oh and get your tank up and running for any herp BEFORE you get them!!
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Old 02-24-05, 11:32 PM   #5
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oh yah im planning and setting up everything before i get any new lizards =)

i dont plan on getting any new ones til the reptile show in edmonton

then reptile buying i will go =D
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Old 02-25-05, 04:04 PM   #6
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just a tip, for your day time lights, and red or blue night lights, you can find them at your local hardware store for 1/4 of the price. Dont waste your money on the name brand crap if you dont have to. Your better off to get the uvb producing flourescents at a petstore though
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Old 02-25-05, 05:03 PM   #7
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i was reading for tokays that putting a heat pad on the side of the tank is best being they stick on the walls more

is that a good idea.....i figure one would have to put sumthing on the glass so its not hot or get a dimmer or sumthing

and whats a good basking lite for a mail?
anything specific?

sorry for all the questions but im out in the sticks and i have to go to the city(2 hrs away) to buy stuff so if i know exactly what im looking for its easier
and i dont have pet shops talking me into stuff i dont need
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Old 02-25-05, 05:35 PM   #8
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I don't know much about tokays but the enclosure size you posted for a uromastyx would be ok for a young uro but once they grow up they will need more space. For detailed care sheets go to or the uromastyx home page.
Uromastyx are a lot of fun infact that's all I keep! The ornates are especially beautiful!
Good luck!
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Old 02-25-05, 06:16 PM   #9
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I wouldn't bother myself with the heatpad on the glass sides, it would be rather ineffective IMO get a better basking bulbsetup if you need to raise the air temps, and they will use the heatpads on the ground just as much. But make sure that you have lots for them to hide in (caves) and climb around on.
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Old 02-25-05, 06:17 PM   #10
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where did u get your uro?
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