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Old 04-24-02, 11:58 PM   #1
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Giant African Millipede ????

I've been doing a bit of reading on the Giant African Millipede and I've run into differing opinions in feeding.....So I've got a couple ?'s for you milli enthusiasts!

Should you give them a variety of veggies/fruit or stick to a couple that they enjoy? I read they can be picky and a variety can turn them off of food resulting in sickness and death.

What is the best source of chitin? White chalk, oak leaves(fresh, dry, rotten?), calcium supplement or sepia shells

I've decided I just can't go on without a pair of these sweeties!:w
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Old 04-25-02, 12:07 AM   #2
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IMO I would feed a variety of things... and even try experimenting a bit! They seem to like food that is "on its way" which makes it a good candidate for old refrigerator! I would forget about the calcium supplements etc and just allow access to ample oak mulch... not fresh, not rotten, not dry, not really wet... a happy medium Also, oak leaves make good cover for them as well. They can actually live off oak mulch as a staple, it is exellent for the development of their exoskeleton. Some people say that it doesnt matter, but I would suggest washing any veggies well to get rid of pesticides, after all they were designed to kill the bugs

LOL - in experimenting, I found my millies seem to enjoy rabbitt pellets that had been soaked in water... go figure!

You will love the little, er big guys, they make awesome pets! :thumbsup:
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Old 04-25-02, 11:15 AM   #3
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They Do?

Alls I know is that I was in a reptile store last month and I saw these huge black millipedes, and I thought to myself, "Who the heck would have this as a pet?"

Linds, please enlighten me. I have no idea what these animals are like? What makes them good pets? Just curious.
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Old 04-25-02, 11:22 AM   #4
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thanks Linds! Hopefully I can find them at the next show (haven't seen any around here ). BTW...can I get oak mulch at a nursery? I don't think I've ever seen it before. Would I use it as a substrate?
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Old 04-25-02, 01:23 PM   #5
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Wrath: They make excellent pets. Most species of millipede are very handleable, and easy to maintain. And watching those legs moving in succession like a wave is too neat!!! And feels equally as cool!!! Also, if you are low on funds these little pretties cost pennies to keep after you initially buy them... and they dont mind eating the spoiled food in your! So something who wouldnt want a totally awesome creture that is very affordable and easy to care for? They get my vote as a great pet :thumbsup:

Yve: IMO the best substrate for any species of millipede is sphagnum moss, or sphagnum/oak mulch mixture (4-5 inches deep). As for finding oak mulch, nursery SHOULD carry it, although I must admit I had a fair bit of difficulty trying to locate it... if worse comes to worse summer is around the corner and you can go grab something off the forest floor They do need a fairly humid environment that they can burrow in, and this seems to fare best, besides which they will usually snack on the moss as well :flick:
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Old 04-25-02, 02:47 PM   #6
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thanks again Linds! I'm all excited about getting them!! Wippie!
Yahoo!! Yeeeeeee haaawww!!
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