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Old 04-22-02, 07:02 PM   #16
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Dom: Who puts them on the dry ice! That's totally wrong way to do it. No wonder you think its cruel! Your supposed to put it in a separate container and wait for the gas to build up in a differetn container then drop the rodents in when it is built up enough. Yikes....I would never put anything on dry ice!!! That's awful!!!
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Old 04-22-02, 08:08 PM   #17
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Email Ian (he's a poster here) and he'll tell you how to use and where to get C02.
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Old 04-23-02, 06:29 AM   #18
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Wrath: You can't use co2 with pinky, it has no effect on them. I think their lung are too small. I don't think nobody will freak that you give them live. They can't do any harm (unless they has internal parasite). The problem in when the snake eat bigger. Even a hopper can give a good bite if it's at the right place.
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Old 04-23-02, 12:13 PM   #19
Markus Jayne
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Dry Ice vs co2

I breed and kill off a lot of rats. When I first started I went the dry ice route. Contrary to a previous post, The rats never touch the dry ice. I would boil a cup of water and place the cup in the middle of a large Rubbermaid with my rats. I'd then throw in a small handful of dry ice. It would then boil like a witches cauldron converting the dry ice into co2. I'd put the lid on (not tight) and the rats would be dead within seconds.

The only problem I found with this method is that the rats would get somewhat wet.

I soon converted over to a co2 cannister and used straight co2. I purchased it at a welding supply shop. They are not cheap. My unit cost around $250 including valves and hose.

Now I simply place the rats in the same rubbermaid, place on the lid and feed a small hose through a hole on the lid. I turn it on and basically the co2 displaces the oxygen which floats to the top and the rats die quickly. Also the rats are dry as toast.

Very humane and very clean. No blood or brain mash.
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Old 04-23-02, 06:00 PM   #20
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Thats a great way Markus .. but If i had an extra 250$ I doubt I would spent it on a setup like that ..

Id rather buy myself a new snake!

Althought i wish I had it~!
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Old 04-23-02, 06:49 PM   #21
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That's the way Ian and everyone else I know does it. Only way to do it actually. I've been to Ian's and helped him conk 500 adult rats, and believe me its not fun!! The way he does it (same as Mark), it takes minutes. Waaaayyyy better.
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Old 04-24-02, 11:29 AM   #22
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But what size tank is necessary? I mean, if we don't want to go and refill it all the time, how big of one do you need? Or are 'tank' and 'canister' two different things?


How much does your tank hold, Markus; and how 'bout your friend Jeff?

I'm just full of questions, arent I? :bsmile:
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Old 04-24-02, 01:41 PM   #23
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Tank Size

A 5LB tank is fine and like I said to Linds is go to a place that sells fire extinguishers. Then you've got to buy a regulator and that's it. How long the tank lasts depends how many mice you're killing and what size of a container that you use. Use a ice cream bucket if you're doing a small amount. This way a 5LB tank will last for months. Plus it only costs $10.00 to fill. A fire extinguisher place selss used ones for around $50-70 and the regulator costs about $60-70. Then all you need is a little hose.

Hope this helps
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Old 04-24-02, 04:30 PM   #24
Markus Jayne
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Tank Size

I just went and looked at it and it doesn't say what size it is. It is about 2.5 ft. high and 8 inches in diameter. When I last had it filled it had 1500 psi in it if that means anything. It has lasted me about 6 months and I kill euthanize once a week.

I know you can get smaller tanks. The tanks are fairly affordable. The controls are whats expensive.

Hope this helps.

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Old 04-24-02, 11:16 PM   #25
Grant vg
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Whats this regulator/controls talk all about???
Grant van Gameren
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Old 04-24-02, 11:42 PM   #26
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Just like diving you need to control the amount of CO2 coming from the tank so you use a regulator. Just like the ones you use for draft beer lines and welding equipment. The pressure in these tanks is too much just to hookup to a container. It also lets you know how much is left in the tank. You don't want to run out half way though.
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Old 04-25-02, 08:27 AM   #27
Grant vg
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