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Old 01-12-05, 10:00 PM   #1
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16' x 6' x 3'

Hey, I've been contemplating breeding Beaner for a long time now, and was talking to a member on this forum who's Savannah female I might purchase. I was just wondering what the minimum reccomended would be for a breeding pair. I was thinking 16' long 6' wide and 3' tall. Would this be the minimum? I can't find too much good info on breeder Savs but I'd like to give them their space and not have the right on top of eachother, and both of them are used to have 8 or 9' to themselves anyways so I figured this would be a safe bet.

I'd honestly like to go smaller if I could because this would take up the entire wall I'd have it on really limiting room for the offspring, and I'd hate to put the off spring in the living because of the trafficing level. All things I must think about but I'd like this question out of the way first.
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Old 01-12-05, 10:13 PM   #2
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Thats great! I was thinking to breed sav's in a couple years. I think that cage size would be WAY more then enough, and would be incredible if you could do it. Id personally make it a foot taller if you could so you could have a nice foot of dirt for the female to burrow and lay eggs and such, which would also make it more natural. That would be the ultimate enclosure!
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Old 01-12-05, 10:16 PM   #3
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thats bloody HUGE!

i keep a pair of albigs in a 10x6x6, they're just fine in it and they're twice the size of my savannahs.
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Old 01-12-05, 11:16 PM   #4
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Well I was just figuring they are both use to half that a piece so it would only be right to double it, maybe I'll take 2 ft off the length and a 2 feet to the height I was totally forgetting about dirt when I came up with the idea I'd like way more than a foot of dirt honestly. I'll have to get my brain stewing on the thing and more important how it can be taken down if I need to move.

However this would not be the ultimate enclosure the ultimate enclosure it on look under their reptile cages I believe it's the first one. THAT would be the ultimate cage. I'm thinking of purchasing it in a year or two for some kind of large aboreal reptile but that's in the plans for the far future... Possibly a trio of green tree monitors I love those things.
1.3 het ghost bps, 4.12.3 leos, 1.0 Tokay Gecko, 1.0 BCI, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, Emp. Scorpion,Red Bellied Piranha,Austrailian Cattle dog
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Old 01-12-05, 11:17 PM   #5
VI Reptiles
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16x6x3 is toooooooo much, savs get maybe 4 ft at most but im not to sure...... Just think of how long it would take you to build it, plan it, put all the substrate in, clean it when theres to much crap. When you look at it in the end ur wasting too much space. Yes it would be amazing to have such an awesome enclosure but as I said before.

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Old 01-12-05, 11:26 PM   #6
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I say go for it. When I move I will be making a room sized enclosure for my trio of tegus. Monitors are large lizards that like to move and most like to dig. Giving them a large cage like this lets them do exactly what they want.
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Old 01-12-05, 11:30 PM   #7
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3ft tall???

If you go the time and expense of building a 16ft by 6ft wide enclosure thats only 3ft high where is the substrate going to be? Build a big cage but make use of the height also, 2ft of dirt, and some height to climb, 5-6ft maybe? For my single female albig I use 10ft long by 5ft high by 4ft wide inside dimensions, yet she could have used taller, I just dont have much more space after putting it up on blocks.
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Old 01-12-05, 11:41 PM   #8
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thee is no need for a giant cage to breed savs they actually prefer to copulate in smaller areas
not to mention how extremely difficult it is to succesfully get savs to produce
many have tried many have failed abut 2 people in Canada have succesfully bred savs more than once the first time is ussually luick when you successfully breed them more than once or twice you know your husbandry is damn good and you should probably write a book
Dean Herzberg
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Old 01-12-05, 11:55 PM   #9
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3ft tall, think about it...

2ft of dirt leaves you 1ft of height to mount lights, climbing space etc, hmmm, not a very useful cage, add a few feet. I say this because as I said I built one 5ft tall, it lost 2 ft to dirt on one end, so theres 3 ft for the monitor above ground on that end, she can stand up and reach the top. Im sorry but Ive kept boscs, they enjoy being out in the open and climbing a bit to, and all of them averaged 2.5-4.5ft ing length, 1 ft of height is not enough to live in, especially to feel comfortable and try to get them to breed. Im not saying it cant happen in that height, but you stand much more of a chance of them breeding if they have their needs met and enjoy living in the cage, so why not give them more options, there is no exact formula to breeding them and what every one of them enjoys is different but some space to climb, move, and look around is always a good option.
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Old 01-13-05, 06:50 AM   #10
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too big too big....this is never too big if you can give him good Tem. and humidity
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Old 01-13-05, 09:53 AM   #11
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i agree with shavar.....Make it 4-5' high
Monitor lizards rock! lol
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Old 01-13-05, 01:29 PM   #12
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Not to get on anyone but if you read my reply to this post I said I'd make it a few feet shorter and add to the height. Like I said it was a spur of the moment guess as to the size of the cage forgetting about the dirt.

Also to those who say too big, I'm sorry but it is not too big, the reason there are so many obese Savs out there is because of lack of room. Now if I were to manage to get the proper humidity. (Heat will be no issue) I think this cage would be less than perfect. What Sav do you know in the wild that only has 14-16' to walk around? None unless they are trapped in an enclosure somewhere. There is honestly no such thing as too big as long as the temp. and humidity are at the proper levels.

However after rethinking it I'm think 10x4x6 will be a bit better. It just bothers me that both Savs are use to that amount of size by themselves, and sharing it might urk them. If they breed then great, if they don't that's fine too I'll have two nice Savs in a nice, properly sized enclosure which is great too.
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Old 01-13-05, 02:02 PM   #13
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There is honestly no such thing as too big as long as the temp. and humidity are at the proper levels.
I totally agree, the bigger the better with no limits as long as you can keep all the husbandry as you need it. Good luck with that tank and keep us updated!
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Old 01-13-05, 02:34 PM   #14
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Obviously the more room the better. However if you have no experience with large cages it can backfire. Getting the proper temps etc. in a smaller cage is not to hard. Doing so in a large tall cage gets harder.

It is best to start off with a smaller more easily controlable cage learn what works first, then try for the big one. I have used 20 x14 x12 cages and it is not as easy to set them up as it is a smaller cage. Keep it managable, useful for your monitor, without restricting it. Thats about the best advice I can give you. In other words do not cramp them but make sure you can still manage it.

The size of the cage doesn't matter to much for breeding if they are supplied with what they need. My young pair of niles grew up in a 2 x 4 x 2 trough, they also copulated and the female nested in that same cage. It's more about usability of the cage then it is the size of it.
Mr. Jody Pieper
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Old 01-13-05, 03:10 PM   #15
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Well I'm currently working and learning on a decently large cage my Savannah is in an 8 x 3 x 3 I bought this one and at first I admit it was hard to get everything right but now I'm ready to move on to bigger.
1.3 het ghost bps, 4.12.3 leos, 1.0 Tokay Gecko, 1.0 BCI, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, Emp. Scorpion,Red Bellied Piranha,Austrailian Cattle dog
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