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Old 12-25-04, 01:17 AM   #91
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They know the danger. But they still want to have lives, have fun.

Every time you get into your car there's a chance you're going to get killed. Still do it?
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Old 12-25-04, 01:46 AM   #92
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Originally posted by Cruciform
They know the danger. But they still want to have lives, have fun.

Every time you get into your car there's a chance you're going to get killed. Still do it?
are you going to kill he person who hit your loved one?
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Old 12-25-04, 02:50 AM   #93
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That's more than a little oversimplified daiyoukai. You're valuing the life of a known man eating crocodile to the life of a human at fault in a car accident.

By your own logic I really hope you're a vegan with no pets at all. Since that would make you a murdering slavemaster.

Come on. We're not talking about downtown NYC here. It's more likely than not a small village on the nile river, where yes, crocodiles are a fact of life. But when a large predator kills multiple people and relocation isn't an option for either financial or safety reasons then hunting the animal is more than justified.

Yeah, it's sad that such a majestic old croc had to be killed because of it. But let's get real people. If you value that life over or equal to any human then it should apply to all life shouldn't it? Think about that next time you have a cold. All those poor poor innocent little Virii just doing what nature intended them to do and you callously killed them all.

I'm not afraid of the Dark, I'm afraid of what's IN the Dark. ~Anonymous~
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Old 12-25-04, 03:32 AM   #94
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Cruciform, you make a good point, but if Mercury announced that all models of the '98 Mountaineer were likely to burst into flames because of a fuel problem, I wouldnt be driving my mountaineer anytime soon.

Im not saying they shouldnt have fun or a life, but with news of a man-eating croc around, just be more cautious.

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Old 12-25-04, 04:01 AM   #95
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Originally posted by Slannesh
That's more than a little oversimplified daiyoukai. You're valuing the life of a known man eating crocodile to the life of a human at fault in a car accident.

By your own logic I really hope you're a vegan with no pets at all. Since that would make you a murdering slavemaster.

Come on. We're not talking about downtown NYC here. It's more likely than not a small village on the nile river, where yes, crocodiles are a fact of life. But when a large predator kills multiple people and relocation isn't an option for either financial or safety reasons then hunting the animal is more than justified.

Yeah, it's sad that such a majestic old croc had to be killed because of it. But let's get real people. If you value that life over or equal to any human then it should apply to all life shouldn't it? Think about that next time you have a cold. All those poor poor innocent little Virii just doing what nature intended them to do and you callously killed them all.

what if I eat and keep people as slaves

I know I know
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Old 12-25-04, 08:02 AM   #96
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Personally, I think the most important factor in determining a croc to be a man eater is whether it demonstrated a preference towards attacking and eating humans. If it was a threat that could not be feasibly avoided in the future, then I feel killing it would be justified.

I strongly disagree that it should be killed simply because it has killed humans before. It has done nothing wrong on any level.

By the way, if humans were here first, why are there no fossil records of us predating all other forms of life? Or do you believe that none of the dating techniques used in science are of any relevance?

Also, I agree that the world would be a better place without us. We have and continue to disturb the equilibriums of ecosystems. However, there is no ecosystem where humans are essential for equilibirum other than those we have created ourselves. Since we are here though, we have the right to survive and defend ourselves. However, since we are capable of taking responsibility for our own actions we should be obliged to do so, especially when most other species on this planet cannot.

There's no need to go to any extremes. I'm not saying you should sacrifice any important functional area of your lifestyle to alleviate the stress of your existence on the natural world, but why damage the environment for no functional gain? For instance, is there any purpose to SUV's other than to appease the ego of the driver, especially when it's not used for anything other than to commute to work on a highway? SUV's are simply the current iteration of the family car. First there was a station wagon, then there was a minivan. So, simply because SUV's don't have the stigmas attached to the other two types of family cars, they have become widely popular, while still maintaining much of the functional utility. However, they can't do anything that other more fuel efficient types can, other than what's never done in practice anyway. How many people really go off-roading or make any use of the capabilities unique to SUV's? Yet, many of these same people have the nerve to complain about the rising costs of gasoline. If they weren't squandering it so foolishly, maybe there'd be more of it around and it wouldn't cost so much? In my opinion, if you intentionally shoot yourself in the foot, you have no right whatsoever to complain about the pain. Not to mention, the toll you take on the natural resources which are NOT INFINITE. We are simply indulging in our selfishness at the expense of future generations.

Perhaps animals aren't as smart as us, but they're certainly less stupid.
1.0 Pastel Ball Python, 1.9 Normal Ball Pythons, 0.1 African House Snake, 1.0 Savannah Monitor, 0.0.1 Argentinian Horned Frog

Last edited by hhw; 12-25-04 at 08:16 AM..
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Old 12-25-04, 10:15 AM   #97
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Everyones opinion in this matter is kind of irrelevant as none of you including me lives near this area .

Everyone in here has the money an education to be able to use a computer . Everyone in here has to walk a maximum of 20 steps to get his fat butt a glass of water . So no one knows what its like to live there under the threat of other animals . No one here knows what its like to have his life at risk just to be able to feed your family or to clean yourselves or whatever .

Every animal on this planet will kill to defend itself or to protect its territory . A lot of people think that this beautiful place called earth that we see on tv is a peaceful paradise . Well ITS NOT .
Have you ever seen a lion kill baby cheetah ? Yes they do that . They dont eat them they just kill them for tresspassing on their hunting ground . As crual as it can seem thats natures way .

Beside this big old croc would probably not survive anyway without easy human or dog or any domesticated prey which is probably why it is so rare to see one as big as that .

Please do not juge what you just dont know .
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Old 12-25-04, 11:34 AM   #98
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Its not very accurate to say that the rising costs of gasoline is in correlation to the trend of SUV's being used as family cars. Its also not accurate to say that the reason gas prices are high is because there isnt much of it around. There is plenty of gasoline out there, and it's nowhere near being depleted.

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Old 12-25-04, 04:39 PM   #99
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That doesnt mean you take a life of an animal who made a mistake.
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Old 12-25-04, 07:39 PM   #100
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Originally posted by shaggybill
Its not very accurate to say that the rising costs of gasoline is in correlation to the trend of SUV's being used as family cars. Its also not accurate to say that the reason gas prices are high is because there isnt much of it around. There is plenty of gasoline out there, and it's nowhere near being depleted.
SUV's consume much more gasoline than comparable family cars. There are LOTS of SUV's on the road. Therefore, a significant amount of gasoline is incrementally consumed due to the SUV trend. With much more gasoline being consumed, there is less supply available (not only in the long term, but also in the short term, as we are using it as fast as we can drill it). Less supply means higher prices, simple economics.

It may not be anywhere near depleted, but we are using it like it will never be depleted. It is not an infinite resource, and takes a LONG time to be developed in nature. That is why organizations like OPEC must set limits; not to artificially inflate the value but because they recognize that oil reserves are depleted MUCH faster than they are replenished by nature.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind of guy who goes out of his way to be environmentally friendly, but no matter how you look at it, SUV's are a flagrant waste of natural resources that have no real incremental functional benefit. If it weren't for a loophole in the laws, they wouldn't even be legal. A sedan that used a comparable amount of gasoline would not be allowed on the road.
1.0 Pastel Ball Python, 1.9 Normal Ball Pythons, 0.1 African House Snake, 1.0 Savannah Monitor, 0.0.1 Argentinian Horned Frog
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Old 12-26-04, 01:46 AM   #101
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Originally posted by hhw
SUV's consume much more gasoline than comparable family cars. There are LOTS of SUV's on the road. Therefore, a significant amount of gasoline is incrementally consumed due to the SUV trend. With much more gasoline being consumed, there is less supply available (not only in the long term, but also in the short term, as we are using it as fast as we can drill it). Less supply means higher prices, simple economics.
True, they do use alot more gasoline than cars, but that doesnt mean we are going to be in a gasoline crisis anytime soon. Not due to the unavailabilty of it anyways. I recently read somewhere that there is enough in AK alone to supply the US with gas for 500 years. (drilling in AK is an issue that I dont want to get into here, just making a point)

I dont think "less supply, higher prices" applies here, because there is no shortage.

If you know differently, enlighten me, cause I would like to know...

What do ya wanna bet I can throw this football over them mountains?
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Old 12-27-04, 09:52 AM   #102
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I see this just keeps going on and on. Froggy thats a real nice statement are you willing to go over next time it happens and offer yourself as a snak? If you and other who feel as you do did that then I think it would take the pressure off of those that don't want to be a meal for some critter.

Once a animal kiils and eats a human it will do it again a proven FACT. As just one example look at Wolves. In North America other then a rabid wolf there has never been a wolf that attacked and or ate a human. Yet in europe and the old world it has not been uncommon through out history. The reason for this is all the wars with many dead left on the field. Wolves began eating the dead and its not a big leap from that to killing humans when they were hungry. The same has been true for other species of animals all over the world once they kill a human they tend to do it again.

We've all seen video of crocs laying in wait while herds of animals cross rivers. They are smart enough to know that this is food. they don't attack elephants and hippos etc because they know that they are to large and dangerous to attack. So a Croc attacks a human and finds that it doesn't have horns or hard sharp feet nor sharp teeth and is much easier to bring down. Doesn't take a very smart animal to realise that wow this is much less work and danger than attacking a Zebra etc. and so it begins to hunt humans. So once an animal attacks and feeds on a human it has to be destroyed as quickly as possible before others get the same idea from being near and seeing or smelling what it has done and try it themselves. So if you want to look at it in reality by killing this croc they have probably saved others who might have learned from it.

I know this will upset those that feel killing any animal is just wrong! as they eat their steak and live in their nice house built where many animals used to winter and live etc etc but then there isn't much you can do about hypocrites and those who live in their own very narrow worlds.
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Old 12-28-04, 12:01 AM   #103
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Here is a point for you tree humpers that has been over looked thus far. Killing this beast will strengthen the croc gene pool in that area and help propagate the species. Let’s say this guy was 60 years old. He has probably dominated that region for 40 years. By now he is inbreeding with this daughters and grand daughters. Inbreeding weakens the gene pool. Killing off corc-zilla opened things up for a new alpha male.
__________________ 2.2 Crotalus adamanteus. 2.2 Crotalus h. atricaudatus. 2.2 Crotalus h. horridus. 1.1 Agkistrodon p. piscivorus. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. contortrix. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. mokasen. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. laticinctus. 1.1 Agkistrodon c. pictigaster. Agkistrodon c. phaeogaster. 1.2 Sistrurus miliarius barbouri. 1.1 Micrurus fulvius. 0.0.1 Micrurus fulvius tenere
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Old 12-28-04, 06:48 AM   #104
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What do you care about strengthening crocs gene pool? You said before that this beast shoud die anyway...
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Last edited by JimmyDavid; 12-28-04 at 06:51 AM..
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Old 12-28-04, 10:57 AM   #105
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I wasn't going to post on this at first, for fear of just beating a dead horse. But I get the feeling some people really don't understand at all.

a) yes, those people are probably uneducated.
b) Chances are, that is either their main, safest, or only source of water.
c) actually, unless the water is crystal clear, you are going to have a VERY hard time seeing that croc.
d) it might have taken a witness before they discovered what was going on.
e) The bottom line - the things they valued most (each other) were being destroyed.

The situation might have been different if a large gator was wandering around backyards in Florida eating poodles. But these people didn't have the money or the means, and needed to protect themselves. Before anyone can say how horrible they are for killing it, or that it should have been relocated, how COULD they, etc...

...walk a mile in these peoples' shoes! Get the facts together. And please. Don't tell me you'd be fine with an animal eating your mother, father, brother, sister, lover, child...

If you had a lion in your backyard, eating your family...even if it was there first, I'm sure you'd have it removed...<i>with whatever means you had.</i>
I am highly prized for my meat. :eb:
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