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Old 12-21-04, 05:12 PM   #16
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Ahahah - yeah good point

however I find it hard to believe you`ve never swatted a cat or dog in your life time - maybe its true though..

(by swatting I don`t mean closed-fisting the animal either- I mean a little slap on the bum, like what you`d do if your animal was on the coffee table eating your supper or a puppy who just chewed your new shoes type of thing)

...i don`t beat my animals....I swear....
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Old 12-21-04, 07:04 PM   #17
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my g-friend wanted to be a vet... she has very high marks but decided against it because of all the stress of her high school classes.. it is alot of work ive seen what its like... its not easy stuff.... only do it for the love of animals not for the money.... you have to remember that most vets dont actually make alot of money... theres long hours sometimes 18 hour shifts and you really have to astablish your pratcice to make anything... if your in it for the money you might wanna look into a few other things... there is alot more things out there that make alot more money... and hey if you do love animals alot and later decide to get more envolved open a quality pet store... fair prices and stuff... thats what one lady did... shes made her money and she decided to open a pet store...

if you do decide to become a vet i wish you all the luck... if it is your dream.. i hope it comes true
enough animals. finally lowerd my herp collect to 40
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Old 12-21-04, 07:15 PM   #18
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HeatherRose :
I probably would have excused myself when my kitten got swatted too - on the other I think in some cases when you get hurt by something it might be an automatic reaction to swat it - I know i`ve been guilty of that from time to time - Do you never spank or yell at your pets?
No, but I don't condemn people who give their cats/dogs swats on the bum now and then for being 'bad'...I personally don't because scaring the crap out of an animal by yelling at them or hitting them is useless, they don't understand what they did...although I know some people who's dogs act 'guilty'. Dogs are different than cats, or horses though. Those are the only non-herp animals I've worked with. Not hitting or yelling may be just a force of habit, as in my experience, freaking out a horse puts you in the hospital...

If my cat gets up on a tank or cage where she's not supposed to be, I spray her with the mister...she just doesn't even bother anymore.

A swat on the bum or yelling at a pet for tearing the couch to pieces is MUCH different than bopping a kitten on the nose for nipping at you, however...if anyone, a vet should know that kittens are VERY nippy/scratchy little buggers.
Heather Rose
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Old 12-21-04, 10:07 PM   #19
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If you're getting into vet medicine for the money you'd better specialize in large animals.. cows and horses. comparitively they make a lot more than "pet" vets but also work CRAZY hours come calfing season.

Keep in mind that setting up a vet clinic from scratch is nowadays probably a half million dollar investment for equipment alone, nevermind the building to keep it all in... staff, insurance and the rest.

I always laugh when people bitch that vets make so much money per hour and what not when they have absolutlely no clue how much debt a vet has to take on to even get started.

If you want to make a bunch of money be a doctor or a lawyer... roughly the same amount of work and the payoff will be exponentially greater.
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