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Old 11-12-04, 03:25 PM   #16
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Welcome to sSnakeSs Troy, and good luck with your new Ball Python. I highly recommend you to pick up the 'Ball Python Manual', it's a great book for people new to the hobby, and the species, and it can answer any questions you may have about your new snake. As for the humidity issue, try placing an additional water source under the heat source, and that should help create more humidity. Adequate hides are especially important for Ball Pythons, as they seem fairly inclined to get nervous in wide open spaces. Good luck!
Erin Keller :eb:
Snakes: 2.1 Corns, 1.1 Kings, 1.0 Everglades Rat, 1.1 Spotted Pythons, 1.2 Children's Pythons, 1.2 BCIs Lizards: 0.2 Leopard Geckos, 1.3 Bibron Geckos Inverts: 2.1 Tarantulas, 0.1 Emporer Scorpion Mammals: 0.2 Kittens
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Old 11-12-04, 03:40 PM   #17
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After reading around some more I changed some things. I decided to put the temp sensor in the hide since the hide would cause the temp to rise a little bit. Now my temp is 96 insided the hide, 76 on the cool side. I don't have the overhead ceramic heater on and the uth is put on low via rheostat. Should I add more newspaper to see if that brings the surface temp down a little bit?? I put a towel over the top of the tank to keep some heat in the cool side and humidity in. The humidity only went up to 40%. Everything is still messed up. Like I said before I don't want to get my BP until my temps and humidity are set up correctly. Any more suggestions??
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Old 11-13-04, 01:55 AM   #18
Asian Jon
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you said you have an UTH, and using newspaper as substrate. This is not a good setup IMO, and as a result your temps are way too high inside the hide. Try to keep it at 90 and to do so you may have to use an inch of aspen bedding. If you want to use newspaper, get yourself a human heat pad you can pick up at wal-mart, canadian tire etc...(I got mine for $14.99 and dont get one with auto shut-off). As for your humidty you may want to make a humidty hide box and there are ways of finding out how to make one by searching google.
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Old 11-13-04, 02:02 AM   #19
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Asian Jon, thanks for the substrate tip!! I'm kind of leary about a human heating pad. I have read that they can become a fire hazard and won't last very long since they're not meant to be on for long periods of time, which kind of makes sense. So should I have a warm side hide box, cool side hide box AND a humidity hide box?
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Old 11-14-04, 02:07 PM   #20
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I ran across this stuff called Biomats, here is the description of it:
A ¼-½ inch thich coconut fiber mat that is natural and breathable. It can be used as a replacement for artificial turf and other liners. Can be used alone or as a bottom layer to other natural substrates. Can be used in both wet and dry environments (except saltwater). It is washable and long lasting. Great for humid environments. Can be cut to fit. Weed and pathogen free.

Anyone heard of it or used it?? If so would this be a good substrate for a Ball Python?

Last edited by lucky8926; 11-14-04 at 08:07 PM..
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Old 11-15-04, 12:03 AM   #21
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If you get a baby that is really a big tank and not too mention glass tanks with a screen lid do not hold humidity well I would get an appropriate sized rubbermaid container with plenty of ventilation. Then use an uth, and put the water dish over the heat pad to increase humidity. The glass tanks are better for snakes like corns and kings snakes that need no humidity.
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Old 11-15-04, 12:05 AM   #22
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Use human heating pads those expensive reptile ones don't heat as well and for a substrate use cypress mulch it holds humidity great and wont mold.
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Old 11-15-04, 01:19 AM   #23
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i'm still not sure if I would trust a human heating pad since they aren't made to be left on for long periods of time. I think they could be a fire hazard.
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Old 11-15-04, 01:16 PM   #24
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I haven't had any problems and my friends that are herpers use them too. But if you do decide to get one make sure it does not have auto shut off.
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Old 01-19-05, 07:42 PM   #25
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good setup sounds alot like mine, to help the humidity try covering part of the screen with a towl and put some more water in
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Old 01-20-05, 09:34 PM   #26
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You can always get a little extra humidity by sraying your snake and entire encloser with a spray bottle set on mist. DON'T go crazy with it though, it needs to evaporate relatively quick to avoid mold (depends on substrate ). Just once or twice a day is good.BP's are nice snakes. Good luck
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Old 01-21-05, 03:33 AM   #27
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This post is kind of old, since I posted this I have got my heat/humidity under control. Thanks anyway!!
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