Natural progression?
Here's what happened at my house over the years, up to just recently. I'm wondering .... if all the statements are true, then the conclusion (the last one) should be too, right?
I don't really like snakes.....
Snakes don't bother me, just don't want any.....
I kind of like 'em, some are kind of cute.....
Can't get any snakes, the kids don't want 'furry food' eaters.....
When the kids leave home, I
might get a small snake.....
THAT is a pretty coloured snake, I could learn to like it.....
I could almost get to like that one, but can't do the "pinkie thing".....
Oldest daughter wants a
Ball Python?!?!?!?!?!?!?????....
Last year she bought two feeder mice to save their lives,
what happened to her???....
We are looking into getting a snake???????....
Scotty and Roy suggest a corn snake to start off, got the Corn Snake Manual.....
Wow... it makes snakes seem almost personable!!....
They sound almost as nice as geckos???? ....
Amazing! The more we read, the nicer they sound.....
A month of reading the manual and snakes don't seem all that bad after all.....
Got an amel motley corn snake, named her Ruby.....
She's so cute, almost like crested geckos.....
Love those eyes, cute tongue
She's not my snake, she's Erika's.....
Erika still can't do the "pinkie thing".....
If I can do diapers, I guess I can do pinkies.....
I've been feeding Ruby for 2 weeks now..... that
DOES make her
MY snake, right?
Am I right in thinking Ruby is mine?