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Old 08-19-04, 03:55 PM   #46
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How could you regulate a plant?! That's why it's 'illegal' ...the government cannot regulte it, cannot profit from it so they make it illegal.

I do agree that smoking pot as a young adult will cause short term memory loss. I grew up in a home where both my parents had smoked ever since I can remember and I too experimented at an early age and it messed up my ability to concentrate and remember things.

But in other ways it taught me a lot. Opened many things that expanded my imagination, the creative process and my ability to tranfer this into my artwork.
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Old 08-19-04, 04:04 PM   #47
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One of the side affects of marijuana in clinical studies is short term memory loss, from chronic use.

I think that you all shouldn't give Samba crap, either. Potheads and recreational use are 2 completely different things. I know exactly what she is talking about. I agree that it could be compared to alcholism. Some people can have a few drinks once in a while and not ever struggle with dependency, some people become alcoholics. MJ works much the same way, some people, as one poster mentioned, live quite successful and "normal" lives, and some people become slaves to their substance of choice.

I think it has a lot to do with personality types, and circumstances. Some people have "addictive personalities" (a clinical term that I did not invent) and are prone to becoming dependent on lots of things, not just (but including) drugs.
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Old 08-19-04, 04:20 PM   #48
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Thanks, Art, I'm glad that someone shares my views and offers support.

You know, for the longest time I felt "left out" whenever Trevor smoked... but then I tried it and didn't like it. After awhile I realized he is still the same person... And I did CHOOSE to be with him regardless. I just don't think I should be considered 'guilty by association' should something happen someday. That's really only my biggest fear...

Thanks again =)
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Old 08-19-04, 04:23 PM   #49
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I dont know why I never saw this thread before but Im completely in support of decriminalization and regulation. If there is a system in place to regulate the sale, and take the money away from serious offenders of other drugs not just MJ then im all for it.
As far as short term memory, MJ really does effect you more than you will know. Already at 20 ive noticed that im not as sharp as I used to be. I have many friends that are huge potheads and Marijuana really does effect you down the road. One of the many reasons ive cut down on such use.
As Artemis said some people can live normal lives, but its when pot becomes apart of all activities in ones life when it becomes a problem. As the saying goes, if every story you tell begins with, "This one time I was high and..." you are a pothead.
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Old 08-19-04, 04:31 PM   #50
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Everyone is talking about how it effects you later in life, causes this problem and that, but NONE of this matters in regards to pot regulation....WHY? Because booze can and does WAY worse every single day in North America, yet its still legal and not a "drug" in societies eyes. Its 100% hypocricey (sp)

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Old 08-19-04, 06:02 PM   #51
Jessica G
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I have to agree with ,I don't want to be around someone smoking. It dosn't matter what they are smoking.
I'm not saying people who smoke are BAD people. My family smokes. People complain about 2nd hand smoke now. What is going to happen with Pot???

If it's going to be legal Tax it like every other thing gets taxed..

I do think it all repends on the person. But, if it's harder to find sometime people won't go thru the effert to get it.
On the other hand I can understand the feeling of Atleast knowing what you are buying. In stead of worring about getting caught.

Nothing is good if it's done to much. I just think if you smoke pot you don't think you smoke to much.. That's just how it seems..

I'm just talking not putting anyone down
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Old 08-19-04, 06:33 PM   #52
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Jeez, can't believe I missed this thread. And it hasn't gotten out of hand at all. Kudos everyone.

Back a couple of pages it was mentioned that eating pot in capsules woulld get the posters friends blitzed. Everything I've read on THC says that it's requires a temperature of 150 degrees to catalyze into a substance that we can process. That's why it has to be smoked, baked, or vaporized.

I tested this by chewing down a couple of grams, uncooked. Zero effect.

Regarding memory, I've seen statement s saying that it causes memory loss, and others that say it doesn't.

I tend to believe more recent publications that say that it doesn't in the long term but it flip-flops often enough it's hard to tell.

There were studies done with alcohol to see why blackouts occur, and the theory presented was that your memory is encoded with a key, and that when you drink too much alcohol that key becomes scrambled. So you can't recall memories that were shuffled into the long term while you were drunk. BUT they found that when the test subjects were drunk again, they could remember things they had done before. Kind of neat really.

I've known a few "burnouts", or "chronics" and one was a culinary student with high marks, though people always assumed he was brain dead. Others have been barely functional.

If I were to hazard a guess on why some people become barely functional, it would have to do with the amount of time spent high in an unstimulating state versus that spent in a normal state where the brain is exercised. But that's a purely unscientific opinion.

I don't have a problem with people doing ANY drugs, provided that their use of said drugs do not infringe on my rights in any way. Moderation is the key anyway.

If you want to inject heroin into your arm, at least you should be given the opportunity to get untainted product and have addiction services available without and stigma attached.

And to close, I drink beer occasionally, and enjoy smoking marijuana, often before bed to help with my insomnia. Or sometimes just to relax while surfing or playing games. I try to avoid posting to forums while under such influence

I tried growing my own plants (2 of them) from seeds before but both times my cat ate them in the seconds I had my back turned while transferring them from the germination tray to a planter.

Maybe he was just looking out for my well-being
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Old 08-19-04, 07:45 PM   #53
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hahaha! Or maybe the cat knows what's up
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Old 08-19-04, 08:03 PM   #54
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I tested this by chewing down a couple of grams, uncooked.
tried growing my own plants (2 of them) from seeds before but both times my cat ate them in the seconds I had my back turned while transferring them from the germination tray to a planter.

How could you regulate a plant?! That's why it's 'illegal' ...the government cannot regulte it, cannot profit from it so they make it illegal.
Ummm, ever hear of a substance called tobacco aka. cigarettes :P.
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Old 08-19-04, 08:09 PM   #55
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What is the point ? I really don't understand the point of smoking, somone said it isn't addictive up there I didn't even read the whole post, my uncle has been smoking for 70 years (since he was 13) and he still says it isn't addictive and he can quit when ever he wants, regardless of the fact that he now has emphazema, and is having a lot of trouble breathing, people are going to say its a totally different substance, my point being is that high isn't enough to make me risk health problems like that....I have better things to do like watch homer simpson strangle his son :P. I really don't see the point plus, the loss of coordination after smoking just 1 joint is like drinking a few beers ? have you ever seen the commercial where the guys hit there brothers, or hit little girls on bikes ? Well they're not lying, it DOES happen, it recently happened in philadelphia, little 4 year old on her bike hit by a car killed instantly. I don't know about you, but I don't think I would call that "recreational smoking" guys im not trying to do any bashing, its just my honest opinion I have my right to mine as you do to yours..... no bashing here guys

edit- not to mention the $$$ and hassel of getting this stuff
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Old 08-19-04, 08:18 PM   #56
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Ixi- its ok, and I will answer the questions.

The point is, it gets you high. Otherwise no one would bother. It is not physiologically addictive (as are cigarettes, which actually alter your brain chemistry and cause you to crave nicotine) but it can be psychologically addictive.

Marijuana does different things to different people, and you are right, I am sure that there are some instances where people have harmed others while under its influence, such as while driving. MJ, like alcohol, should still be used responsibly, if at all.

I guess ultimately I feel that whether it continues to be illegal, or is decriminalized, people will use it either way. Perhaps more people would use it if was no longer illegal, but either way it's still gonna be out there.

And MJ isnt like tobacco in terms of regulation. It would be dagone hard to grow, cure, cut and roll your own tobacco cigs. MJ is much easier to cultivate and requires no chemical or physical processing to consume. If I could grow my own legally, I wouldnt need to buy it, and therefore I wouldnt be paying taxes on it.
One could argue that the convenience of not having to grow it would encourage people to buy it and just deal with having to pay the taxes on it- but given it's ease of cultivation and the likely high asking price should it be legalized, I think most people would still opt to grow.

And Ixi- while those public service announcements may not be "lying," they do tend to be a bit extreme.

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Old 08-19-04, 08:26 PM   #57
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somone said it isn't addictive up there I didn't even read the whole post, my uncle has been smoking for 70 years (since he was 13) and he still says it isn't addictive and he can quit when ever he wants
Alchohol isn't addictive, yet some become alchoholics and drink often to the point of their death. See my point? As Artemis said, it like alchohol is not physiologically addictive, it is psychologically addictive.

have you ever seen the commercial where the guys hit there brothers, or hit little girls on bikes ? Well they're not lying, it DOES happen
LMFAO! Please tell me the commercial shows them hitting these people with cars, and not phsyically with their body. If so, that is exactly the type of thing that inspired this post - that is ridiculous, and not reality.

Last edited by tHeGiNo; 08-19-04 at 08:30 PM..
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Old 08-19-04, 08:45 PM   #58
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I think a major concern that I havent seen mentionned is pot as a gateway drug. It makes it easier to try other drugs once you have accepted smoking pot.
I have never been tested, but I am pretty sure I am in that 10% of people that are highly suceptible to addiction.
I grew up on the shores of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, where there is often nothing for youth to do, so many turn to drugs. I sure did, in a big way. I started smoking pot at 13 on a daily basis. Through High school I tried many other drugs. PCP, Acid, Mushrooms, Mesqualline. I somehow got into university and kept the same pattern, then flunked out after 2 years.I have no regrets. I have now been semi- clean for nearly 2 years( I never buy, just puff at parties if it is passed my way). I just got sick of the whole scene, and I was suffering mentally and physically. (all self diagnosed), so I just quit. I returned to University last year and got an A- average. Many of my friends in university smoked as much as I did, and graduated in 4 years with great marks. many of my best friends still smoke several times a day.
so after that long story, my opinion is this, decriminalization is the way to go. Not Legalization. Legalization would get bogged down in all the buracracy of taxation and regulation that has already been discussed.
Decriminalization means pot smokers could puff without the fear of court dates, or jail tems for repeat offences, but also lets the government maintain its stance that it is not a good thing. not for everyone.
Now I live with and really enjoy a new addiction, REPTILES!!!!!!
I also enjoy a good case of beer from time to time.
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Old 08-19-04, 09:20 PM   #59
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I just want to knwo what gets you started? im 13 and have never had any inkling(my word :P ) of a thought to try it or any other drugs. (beleive me they are very eisy to buy) I just want to steer clear of this kinda thing. (for now )
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Old 08-19-04, 09:26 PM   #60
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Sad, but one child killed by someone in a car who was apparently "high" does not spell out mass danger to society. I believe cell phones are probably attributed to more accidents than marijuana. Although I don't think there are any statistic to prove that, its pretty obvious that marijuana causes less accidents than cell phones, or booze. Hell, if we ban everything because one person got hurt, no one would be allowed to eve walk outside, as everything could be seen as a potential danger.

I am not saying MJ is trouble free, good for everyone, HAS its problems and some people over use. But when compared to drinking, and many other legal things in society, its ridiculous to spend millions a year fighting marijuana while the others are legal.

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