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Old 06-02-04, 02:13 PM   #1
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Unhappy what can I do?

well the other day, I was at a local pet shop looking around, mostly in their reptile section. Well I looked down at the pink swifts. I didn't see any so I asked the people if I can see it, so they held it up. What did I see? I lizard which didn't evan look like a pink swift which had a broken tail and its scales were mess up. That wasn't the end. I noticed that their bearded dragon has a broken arm and seems to have mbd. After seeing these sick herps, I asked the lady some guestions, why are you guys selling a swift with a broken tail and a dragon with a broken arm, do you guys know what calcium and vitamins are, and why are you guys not doing anything about this? the lady looked at me, then snap her gum, and said we got them like that and I don't know.... at this point in my head i was thinking, waw these people are retards!

My question is, what can I do to save these animals, except for buying them ?

p.s. they also had the wrong setup for the herps!! lol
John Nguyen
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Old 06-03-04, 12:28 PM   #2
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Yes they are retards! Thats really sad, not just for the animals but also having people that know nothing working in that type of environment. They get people in there , they are just coming off the street for a partime job that could care less about what they are working with. There really isnt a solution to this as of yet. You cant really report it, where as you cant buy sick animals. So all us herpers can do is sit back and watch it all go down, sad but true. I really dont know how far it will get, but my plan for the near future is to try to get a herpathological society going in my town. I dont really know how much of a difference this is going to make but if enough people are dedicated, things cant get worse. Sorry that u had to see that , the only ones suffering from peoples stupidity is the animals.

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Old 06-03-04, 11:19 PM   #3
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How come they couldn;t report it, thats obviously animla crulty wouldn't peta or human society do something? That soudns like a good idea repti-zone good luck with it
Kayla Young
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Old 06-03-04, 11:48 PM   #4
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It has been my observation and experience that, in general, the "authorities" don't take cruelty to reptiles with the same seriousness as mammals.
I have a Prehensile tailed skink that was a pet shop rescue and just this week, I went in to the same pet shop to find baby beardies dead in the bottom of thier enclosure, with their cage mates climbing all over the dead bodies, a baby chameleon so small that it could fit easily on a quarter, being kept with crickets as big as him. His eyes were shut, and his big as a strand of hair showing through his skin.

And then I saw this:

I was absolutely horrified at the state of this chameleon. He was very obviously near death, but still out there in his display case, for all to see.
I asked if I could have him, and the "reptile girl" asked me if I had anything to house him in. I assured her I did, and she replied with "he's yours". No further questions asked of me....but every question I asked of her was met with "I don't know".
I don't know how old he is. I don't know how he got that hole in his chin. I don't know how long he's had it...he came to us like that.

I brought him home, gave him some really diluted repti-aide, and a gave him a warm soft shower to help with his hydration...and then I told him it was okay for him to stop fighting. He was home, and he could die now.

As sappy as that sounds, it's what I did. The little bugger didn't quit fighting that night though. He was still hanging on in the morning, and when I got his mouth open to get some more nutrition into him, I got a good look inside his mouth.
That hole went right through to the inside. Most of his bottom jaw consisted of decaying tissue.
At that time, I made the decision to take him to the vet and have him euthanised. I could not sit back and watch him suffer any longer.

The vet agreed that it was the only solution for him in his terrible condition and that a recovery was not a realistic possibility.

After all of that.... the pet shop will fill "Chancey's" cage with a new reptile....and the process will start again.

My vet has called the humane society on this shop herself at least three times that I know of...and nothing is done.

It's pitiful. It's disgusting.... and it doesn't seem likely to change anytime soon.

Sorry for the long winded's my frustration that's causing me to rant and rave about it.
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Old 06-04-04, 11:56 AM   #5
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how freakin horrible. Makes you wonder how these people keep their own pets.

Maybe someone should photoshop that hole onto a cute picture of a puppy saying "how would you like your puppy to look like this?"

Then another pic of the cham and say something like
"think reptile owners feel the same way?"

People like that should be shot.
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Old 06-04-04, 12:15 PM   #6
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omg thats horrible i have never seen an aniaml treated that bad in a pet store before what are these ppl thinking. some one in the store must notice how awfull this is and it has to stop. i really wish there was somthin we could do i would bye every sick herp if i could but i know the process would keep going i wonder who is even selling these herps to them knowing they are goin to be treated like this. its awfull
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Old 06-04-04, 08:56 PM   #7
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omg icegueen that story is so sad! it dont evan look like he can walk....thats good he met someone who cared for him at the end..... tomarrow im going to report it to the humane society. evan if they don't do anything, i will keep trying to help all the herps in that store. The thing is, all of their mammals looked really good.... damn people!
John Nguyen
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