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Old 05-19-04, 12:19 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar-2004
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Ever heard of this company.

Well I'm here at work right waiting for time to go by, looking at kingsnake classifieds. And I ran acroos an add for cages local pick up only. And I only live 20 min away from pick up point. This guy is selling 3 cages for $150 and $60 each. And the company that make the cages are called Neodesha here's their site But I've never heard of them I'm trying to get rid of my to 20 gallon glass tanks and see if I can put them in those.... Ohhh yeah here's the ad market.king*
Well my question is if any1 has heard of this company and are these good cages? My rosys only need a 20 gal for the rest of their live so the space is not the problem it just the question if the plastic cages can be their home/habitat and not just a display. I asked for pics or if I can check them out this weekend. Any feed back on these guys would be great thanks.
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Old 05-19-04, 12:34 AM   #2
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I have definitly heard of Neodesha and I am sure most of the people here have as well. I have seen many people with their caging although I cannot personally comment on the cages or any customer service, etc.

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Old 05-19-04, 05:58 PM   #3
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For pre-fab cages, they are one of the top three companies. Very well-known, though I've never spoken with anyone with first-hand experience with their products.
Do not buy from
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Old 05-19-04, 06:33 PM   #4
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They used to be a good company, then they quit making cages for a while. Some new people bought the cage business and started making cages again, but have run the company into the gound.

Personally, I would buy older used Neos, but I would not touch one of the new ones that were produced by the new owners, as I have yet to hear of a single satisfied customer.
"To truly rescue an animal one has to provide long-term care that guarantees the animal's security for its natural life, because rescuing is more than removing an animal from a bad situation. Rescue involves restoring and preserving the animal's dignity for its natural life without stress, and this includes conserving the species as a whole for generations to come." (Brian Werner, founder TMLF / TCWR)
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Old 05-19-04, 08:13 PM   #5
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I ordered six 32" nesting from Neodesha in late 2003. They are still good cages and the service is good ;but since I ordered the cages with plexi glass instead of tempered glass. It took a bit longer.

I like this cage as you can change light bulb outside and there are three vents for enough ventilation. Cleaning is easy as they are plastic..... cheaper than Vision though. I think I will get a few more in the future.

Ha! Ha!
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Old 05-20-04, 05:15 PM   #6
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Yeah I'm getting them used he's selling 3 for $150.
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