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Old 04-22-04, 10:56 PM   #1
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cage setup help

ok wussup peepz?
ive never owned a snake b4 :P so im juss wonderin how i should setup my tank to make it the best place for my boa constrictor to live ( havnt gotten it yet.. juss settin up the tank and testin the temp for now ) um i juss went out and bought 2 thermometres.. one that has humi readin too.. um.. i have a small fish tank here that i found.. ( 10-20 gallon ) and i have it on the side to give my snake more movement room right now.. i have the 2 probes from the thermometres hangin (taped) from the top of the glass in about the center of each end.. i have it about 1 cm or so off the bottom of the glass.. i have a UTH pad under the entire tank (cause my room is a bit cold) and i have a lamp wit a 40w bald on top of the glass on the "hot" end, but its actually shinin right on the tape that i have for my hot end probe ( would that melt the tape? and i was also wonderin wut temp i should be aimin at in degrees.. i hear 80-85 in cold and 85-90 in hot? i might be wrong ( top of my head ) im gonna have aspen beddin on top of a layer of newspaper.. still need to make some hides for him.. i was juss wonderin if the probes are setup right and if tilting my tank would be a good idea.. ( i dont want anythin spillin out though ) the tank has a lil lip on it, juss hope its enough. and also wonderin where the thermometre (wit humitity) gets the readin for the humitity.. because my thermometre itself is outside of the tank.. ( called "Thermor" bought at home outfitters ) any help of suggestions would be greatly apperiated and thanx for ur time
LOL FINE!!! there were no swear words :P juss **** lol its all good... 1:0 Boa Constrictor
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Old 04-23-04, 05:15 AM   #2
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If your getting a baby boa, set it back up on it's bottom.

not sure on the hot spot, go read some care sheets. READ READ READ!
Go to and type in boa constrictor care sheets.

Then when that is done. Put the probe ON TOP of the UTH (in side the cage, the uth should be on the outside though)

if you have no dimmer or rheostat get one, UTH's can get WELL over 110 degrees.

once you have your dimmer (like a lamp dimmer) plug it all up. and watch the temps.

What is your room temp normally?

Another suggestion.

Do everything just typed and get a rubbermaid instead. If I am thinking right (and I might NOT) be but, Columbian boas need a bit of humidity, and a tank isn't going to cut it. The light is just going to dry it out.

for the first month or so you are going to want JUST news paper or paper towel until you can figure out if there are no mites. and you get a fecal done. if you don't have a vet or don't know of one go to

if you do leave it on its side, make sure to bungie it on both ends and in the middle, or expect the snake to escape. heck, throw a 4th one on there just for saftey measures!

And since it is a Columbian boa constrictor be prepared to build a custom enclosure as they can get anywhere from 7-12 ft long, And eat rabbits.

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Last edited by sapphire_moon; 04-23-04 at 05:18 AM..
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Old 04-24-04, 03:09 PM   #3
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Definitely get the bulb off the glass. If it hasn't already, it will crack the glass Although rubbermaids are great for baby boas, if you are dead set on a tank it may work as long as your house isn't too dry. They don't need high humidity (50% is fine), so they can be kept in tanks sometimes. If you do, make sure to close off at least three sides so your snake doesn't feel too exposed. Trevor (Boidkeeper) keeps several of his snakes in this type of setup, maybe he will post some pics for you. I keep mine with a temperature gradient of 80-95 or so. The cool end isn't as important as the warm end, so if it is a bit lower than 80 that's also fine, just as long as the warm end has the correct temps. You want to be measuring the surface temps, so you will want the probes touching the surfaces your snake will be. Good luck with your little boa! They are fun snakes to have
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Old 04-24-04, 09:00 PM   #4
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thanx for the replys well i tested out my temps.. doesnt look too great um wit my heatup up even at max the temp only went out to like 80F but wit the lite on it was like 85.. ( still not too great ) i wanna get about 80 on cold side and at least 90 on the warm.. cold side only hit 70 i dunno if its juss my pad that sux or if my room is too cold.. um.. im opened for any other suggestions.. i was thinkin about gettin one of those heat emiting light bulbs.. ( if i have to ) but i dunno wuts goin on wit the heatpad.. ( its the moist/dry 12''X15'' sunbeam heatin pads ) i bought 2 of em.. but im only usin one right now for under my tank.. it fits the tank perfectly ( while its ont he side ) it covers all of the bottom..
well lindz i didnt wanna use a rubbermaid because of the fact that i wanna be able to show my cage off.. like as in ppl could actually see inside it and see the snake without my openin a lid or anythin..
so wut else could i do to raise my temps up a bit.. and if i do decide to keep my cage on its sides.. how do i put my 2 probes in to measure the temp? juss leave em on the beddin? cause sapphire said that i shouldnt have tape... so i took em off :P it would be really nice to see some detailed pictures of fully runnin tank setups cause right now.. all i REALLY need is to get that temp good enough for my snake and im rdy to go.. and thanx again for the help
LOL FINE!!! there were no swear words :P juss **** lol its all good... 1:0 Boa Constrictor
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Old 04-24-04, 09:29 PM   #5
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You will definately want a bigger tank than a 10 or 20 gallon boas grow very quickly. I also agree that you should not have the tank on it's side. They need more floor space than height. It will also be much easier to get a proper thermal gradient. To get more humidity you can just cover part of your lid with glass or even saran wrap. Also do more research and find a good boa web site that has more info than pictures. Good luck Dave
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Old 04-25-04, 05:21 AM   #6
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just put the probe under the substrate, right over the UTH. Most probes come with a little sticky backing on it.
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Old 05-03-04, 02:18 PM   #7
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well i got my tank and snake all setup now the snake is doin fine.. he is juss always hidin in his box in the warm side hehe.. i got the temps goin good now.. it ranges about 80-83 cold and 90-94 warm so its goin pretty good wit dat.. i got some pictures on the BC forums if u wanna see my lil baby :P and thanx for the help
ps: i have the tank set standin normal.. and when i said sides i meant like the large "sides" hehe
LOL FINE!!! there were no swear words :P juss **** lol its all good... 1:0 Boa Constrictor
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